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stof said:
Golden Eye was the premier CONSOLE FPS. Oh sure I preferred Turok, but Turok didn't have multiplayer. Until that point, Console FPS's were just attempts to mimick PC FPS games. Remember Hexen 64? Crap that game was almost unplayable. But Goldeney gave the console it's own FPS identity. Oh sure, Console FPSs only lasted a very short time before Halo brought back the trend of making console shooters as close to PC shooters as possible (the differnece being that this time, it actually did it fairly well), but for that brief time, a Console FPS was it's own fabulous experience.

As for the other bond games not recapturing the magic. That's because Goldeneye was a great GAME. The license was irrelevant.


High-five, my man. High-five. It takes guts to admit that in mixed company, but I share the sentiment.