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Forums - Sony Discussion - adjustment sales on " others " : Sony's dead !

People are quick to over look the fact that the PS3 is $400 dollars in the US, $600 in the UK and the 360 is $199 in the US and $239 in the UK.

Yes 360 is doing great numbers, but do u really think it will matter in the long term, the console war is 8 years away from finishing if we believe SONYs claim.

Just watch when the PS3 drops its price, then u will see how a console is supposed to sell , i can guarntee that for the majority of 2009 the PS3 will sell around 200k + a week if it gets a price cut of $100 making it 299. Once it gets to 199, it will sell 250k +.

Haters or people who have just lost faith in the PS3, pray to SONY that they drop the price, then the PS3 will absolutly murder the 360.

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jesus kung fu magic said:
Jo21 said:
Party Monster said:
Oh no Xbox 360 is Xbox and PS3 is Gamecube with a blurayplayer in it boo lol hoo.


i doubt that, seriously, ps3 its getting all the games that i got last generation that the GC didn't.

next year when GT5 and FF13 and maybe a pricecut go in effect or like the beginning of this year for the past first 8 months.

was 360 is dead... everything turns around depending on the situation.


m$ have thrown all it bombs what they have left? another price cut?

We all know microsoft have more bombs up their sleeve. Their strategy is not like sony and announcing games 4 years before their release.


Ugh, I hate seeing stuff like this.  Outside of Killzone 2, what game fits this description?  And how does Microsoft not do similar things?

Both companies have their share of games that are announced extremely early in developmnet, and those that are announced pretty late.

Games announced over two years from release:

Killzone 2 - Announced at E305
Heavenly Sword - Announced at E305
Lair - Announced at E305
Warhawk - Announced at E305
Alan Wake - Announced at E305 (taking longer than Killzone 2!)
Lost Odyssey - Announced at E305
Fable II - Announced at E306
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Announced at X06

Games announced 1.5-2 years before release:

Resistance: Fall of Man - Announced at E305
MotorStorm - Announced at E305
Uncharted - Announced at E306
InFamous - Announced at E307
God of War III - Announced at E308
Gears of War - Announced at E305
Blue Dragon - Announced at E305
Mass Effect - Announced at X05, but technically took 2 years and one month to come out.
Halo 3 - Announced at E306
Halo 3: Recon - Announced at E308

Games announced less than a year prior to release:

Resistance 2 - Anounced back in ebruary
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift- Announced back in April
Siren: Blood Curse - Announced back in April, and released in July!
Gears of War 2 - Announced back in February
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - Announced back at E3.

And by "announced" I mean its debut with a trailer, whether CGI or gameplay.



thanks for that tid bit of information.

PS3 isn't dead, i don't know what you've been told. And as soon as the price drops to $300 PS3 will be outselling Wii. you can quote that.

A console generation typically lasts five to six years. This console generation is now over three years old. That means this generation is halfway towards completion. Anyone spouting that a generation is ten years long is supremely ignorant, and they should probably do a little back ground work before they start handing out analysis.

Further more Sony is not endowed with the power of god. They cannot dictate when a generation starts or ends. That is really decided by the launch of a next gen console from a manufacturer, and they are not going to dither about for another eight years.

Goddbless said:
BHR-3 said:
it's going to be hard for me to see ps3 vs 360ww next week cause Last Remnant comes out for 360 on the 20th i might not even come on this site cause of that

Wow...the numbers really mean that much to you? Do you have shares in the company?


They mean alot to me only wen the ps3 isn't doing better than M$ wats the point of being a member of this site if you don't care bout the #'s Got 1000 shares in sony just bought them two days ago


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Around the Network
BHR-3 said:
it's going to be hard for me to see ps3 vs 360ww next week cause Last Remnant comes out for 360 on the 20th i might not even come on this site cause of that


 That's funny.

Of course what you'll find is that most PS3 fanboys will just get very, very quiet, just like MS fanboys did when the PS3 was doing better than the 360 during the early part of the year.

This site is a lot more enjoyable when we just analyze the numbers that come in.

a console that sells 200k in one week is... dead? hmm. i don't quite see it.

Funny, people on internet forums tried telling me the PS3 was dead shortly after it launched and that was about 2 years ago....

ps3 is dead unless they suprisingly do something at the end of the year, 360 looks good on all fronts now gears 2, new xbox experience, price cut, holiday bundle, 3 sku, whether xbox 360 failure rate is huge or not u g2a admit ms is not gna lose to sony without an all out war dats for sure.

2007 we are back arent we

