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jesus kung fu magic said:
Jo21 said:
Party Monster said:
Oh no Xbox 360 is Xbox and PS3 is Gamecube with a blurayplayer in it boo lol hoo.


i doubt that, seriously, ps3 its getting all the games that i got last generation that the GC didn't.

next year when GT5 and FF13 and maybe a pricecut go in effect or like the beginning of this year for the past first 8 months.

was 360 is dead... everything turns around depending on the situation.


m$ have thrown all it bombs what they have left? another price cut?

We all know microsoft have more bombs up their sleeve. Their strategy is not like sony and announcing games 4 years before their release.


Ugh, I hate seeing stuff like this.  Outside of Killzone 2, what game fits this description?  And how does Microsoft not do similar things?

Both companies have their share of games that are announced extremely early in developmnet, and those that are announced pretty late.

Games announced over two years from release:

Killzone 2 - Announced at E305
Heavenly Sword - Announced at E305
Lair - Announced at E305
Warhawk - Announced at E305
Alan Wake - Announced at E305 (taking longer than Killzone 2!)
Lost Odyssey - Announced at E305
Fable II - Announced at E306
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Announced at X06

Games announced 1.5-2 years before release:

Resistance: Fall of Man - Announced at E305
MotorStorm - Announced at E305
Uncharted - Announced at E306
InFamous - Announced at E307
God of War III - Announced at E308
Gears of War - Announced at E305
Blue Dragon - Announced at E305
Mass Effect - Announced at X05, but technically took 2 years and one month to come out.
Halo 3 - Announced at E306
Halo 3: Recon - Announced at E308

Games announced less than a year prior to release:

Resistance 2 - Anounced back in ebruary
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift- Announced back in April
Siren: Blood Curse - Announced back in April, and released in July!
Gears of War 2 - Announced back in February
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - Announced back at E3.

And by "announced" I mean its debut with a trailer, whether CGI or gameplay.