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Forums - Website Topics - i hate the ads on this site

Adds are fine, but the problem with these interactive adds are several imo; they take up bandwidth so the pages load slower, VGchartz has been massively sluggish lately after the newest batch of adds rolled in, but props to ioi for fixing this somewhat by limiting the amount of posts on every page (most forums rarely go beyond 20 or so posts per thread page). Some of them make annoying noises, I often listen to music when I'm online, but I've stopped doing that now wherever I go on the web.
There are adds that shout at me or play music demos or idiotic videos so I can't hear shit and have to do all my browsing on mute, basically.
And that annoys me.
The animations and videos are also kinda frustrating, they distract and irritate like that damn mosquito you hear but can't find and slap dead (nowhere near as bad here as many other pages though, which have started with sponsor redirecting, which sends you and your IP to a whole other site in the window/tab you're currently browsing with; rude and insanely annoying imo).

I think we all realize that the adds need to be here in some form but I wish the really annoying ones would be toned down a little tbh, fill in heaps of "kinder" ones instead, perhaps? I don't know, but not being able to listen to music because of some "come here" or "DING! DING! DING!" sounds makes me flustered. Its worse than American television!

Around the Network

Only ad that gets on my nerves lately is the damn Rock Revolution ad. It pops on screen taking up 90% of my monitor with no way to close it. Then when you think it is about to vanish, BAM! it switches to a different Rock Revolution ad.

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