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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Third parties don't "get" the Wii, more

Only 1/3 of Wii Owners are Wii Fit-only owners. That means the other 2/3 of Wii owners must buy a TON of games to pull the average up so high. So Wii owners who don't own Wii Fit are, as we have just statistically proven, the most hardcore gamers of all.

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I dont trust Reggie anymore... since he said he couldn't understand what we were complaining about when the Wii is getting a great lineup this season lead by AC(as a hardcore game).... I love AC but that's not what iI was expecting to hear from them...It was like that sony's argument: "people will get two jobs in order to afford a PS3..." I didn't like it at all.

 1   2   3  not only you and me.

Livin' in sin is the new thing.


Oh, how nice. People are ganging up against me. So you can't show me a fitness game that has sold a lot? Other than wii fit that is. Where did I mention that it should be a wii game?

Look! A fitness game which did not sell a lot! Anyway, do you people think that EA-fit will sell a lot?

RolStoppable said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Oh, how nice. People are ganging up against me. So you can't show me a fitness game that has sold a lot? Other than wii fit that is. Where did I mention that it should be a wii game?

Look! A fitness game which did not sell a lot! Anyway, do you people think that EA-fit will sell a lot?

Is this post another joke?

That's what you should be addressing:

But really, most of those who buy fps-games are the ones who buy a lot of games. Support: "A lot of fps-titles...have sold a lot."

Most of those who buy wii fit are not the ones who buy a lot of games. Support: No other fitness-title has sold a lot.


Does this look accurate to you? I want to know, so as to not waste everyone's time by pointing out the blatantly obvious fallacies in this argument, if they're not what you meant.



It has to be, it is almost as funny as most of your posts. Is there something what indicates some other fitness game selling well? If so, please point that out. :) So you think EA-fit will be a huge hit? Care to bet on that?


No. I don't see what is wrong with my argument. Untill we see anothet fitness game do well, what reason is there to believe that there is market for more such games? Blind faith?

If EA fit fails, it certainly proves my point? :O

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Every time a game is successful at creating a new genre it guarantees 3 things:

1) There will be at least 1 sequel
2) There will be tons of knock-offs
3) These knock-offs will eventually create competition and improve the genre, and the best will sell sell and the worst will fade away

Wii Fit created a new genre. We're gonna have Wii Yoga in a bit too. I think Ubisoft has some new exercise game coming out too. And I think Dance Dance Revolution is already an exercise game franchise that has been selling well for years, with many successful games on many systems.

That old fitness game failed because it took place before Wii Fit broke the 1 million barrier for fitness games. Then it broke the 5 million barrier. Then the 10 million barrier. Nintendo has proven that a really good fitness game can sell 10 million. This means there is now a HUGE vacuum. Everybody wants to make the next Wii Fit. There will be tons of fitness games. Maybe a couple of them will break a million before the next Nintendo fitness game comes out.

This is exactly what happened when Nintendogs created the Petz genre and when Brain Training created the brain training genre. We get all kinds of Horsez and Hamsterz games and Big Brain Academy and Brain Blast games. Some of them make money. They are now successful profitable genres.

RolStoppable said:

Success depends on what the game costed to make and market. Games can be successes with 200k copies sold and they can be failures with 1m copies sold.

Well then, essentially, no Wii game can "flop" because everytime a game sells under 500k, the "Wii development is cheaper" argument comes in. With that logic, I bet even Ultimate Duck Hunting was a "success"


@Esa-Petteri: I don't think anyone believes that the EA Fit will be as successful as Wii Fit. But, it has potential. If the is done properly, it will sell and turn out to be successful, if not, it will not sell and turn out to be prime example of "birdmen".

If there wasn't market for fitness games, why did Wii Fit turn out to be a huge success? If you say that Wii Fit created the market, it means that the market was there, but the right product was missing. In that case, we could take a look at the blue ocean games on the DS, namely Brain Training, which had a sequel to test the new market. I would bet, that Big Brain Academy was a part of this test too.
Now, if you look at the "Brain" titles on DS, you'll notice that there's quite a big market.

As for NMH, if we ask Grasshopper Manufacture, it's a huge success, but, granted, it could have sold more. Maybe the sequel will sell in larger numbers. There's a perception of NMH being a GTA ripoff, which it isn't, atleast as far as i know, which is hurting its sales to an extent. Viva Pinata on 360 did good, but believe it didn't live up to its expectations and the game is seen as a Pokemon ripoff. Not to mention Viva Pinata sequels performance...
If we look at sandbox games, there's really no room in them due to Take Two owning the genre, if we expect others in the genre to perform in similar fashion than the best-selling sandbox game. RPG:s that include tradeable animals, there's no room if we take Pokemon as a benchmark that every game need to equal.

At the moment, in the shooter genre, there are a lot of successful IP:s, which is the cause of a large number of publishers investing into the genre. If there weren't and only the "birdmen" would have entered the market, we would have only Doom and Wolfenstein and a big number of cash-ins.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I'd like to put forward that, until a Wii game requires 500K (or so) to break even, it really won't have the production values and draw of the HD titles that require the same. You get what you pay for, and what you invest in (usually).

The fact that Wii games don't get much budget is the problem. Its not some sort of "boon" to the Wii.