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Forums - Sony Discussion - So How Is The PS3 Promoted In Your Country?

In America there is almost no marketing for the PS3. The only ad I have seen was for MSPR, and it sold 31k the first week. In Gamestop I have yet to see any PS3 things. When I went to Pick up LBP they had fable 2 covering the LBP display, and R2 had nothing.

All is not lost though. Sony claims they will roll out the huge marketing in December. Thats right folks, skrew getting hype built around the launch of big games. Everyone knows that weeks after launch when people could care less about your 300k seller that you failed to market, because Activision sold 1.2m copies of a well marketed game. This is obviously the time to get people to look at your game.

Sony's marketing might as well burn money. Just spend the least possible out of the 1m they are given on a game and burn the rest in all the ads.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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In Egypt, it is being promoted as the only gaming system to play good games on like football and football and football.

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Well, I went to see a movie in the theater last week and before the show I saw an ad for Bravia, an ad more Motorstorm 2, and two ads for LittleBigPlanet. So in Canada they're hitting the movie-going crowd as hard as they can. I'm wondering if Sony has a stake in Cineplex Odeon.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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Bus stops are decorated with platinum hits series for quite some time now

on tv, you had the LBP commercial, which is now being replaced with the MS2 commercial, followed by a "MS2 is also in a bundle". And it is immediately followed by a PSP commercial, explaining all the things you can do with it, linking it immediately to the previous commercial. Those started...uhm, a week ago or something.

Don't think they bother promoting here in spain...

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I'm seeing quite some PS3 advertising on TV here in Belgium. I see quite some LBP and MS:PR ads, today I also saw a Mirror's Edge commercial only showing the PS3 logo.

papflesje said:

Bus stops are decorated with platinum hits series for quite some time now

on tv, you had the LBP commercial, which is now being replaced with the MS2 commercial, followed by a "MS2 is also in a bundle". And it is immediately followed by a PSP commercial, explaining all the things you can do with it, linking it immediately to the previous commercial. Those started...uhm, a week ago or something.


Yeah I've notice those PSP ads as well. Too bad they're barely mentioning it plays games.

I have seen million LBP bundle, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Guitar Hero IV(PS3) adverts.

Here in the bahamas you only hear about it on the radio. And the PS3 and 360 are fairly much a tie.....

It's like an even split with people who want the 360 because it seems cool in the US [most people here just clone whatever they see in the US :S]

And people who want the PS3 because they owned a PS2 or PSP and just like playstation or SONY stuff.

The Wii gets very little attention. I can't say who gets more attention out of the ps3 and 360 here, but if I had to say a 7th gen platform the crushes all the others in terms of sales, PSP easily in the bahamas.

4 ≈ One

A new one in Belgium:

HDTV-focus: They show HDTV, then show some bluray films and then the PS3 as THE way to watch them.
Then some more explanations about how bluray movies are better, a shot from Dark knight and wall-e and then the PS3 again.