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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS below 30% market.

It was looking to happen for a while

Microsoft X360 is now under 30% of the new console market -

It's a psychological blow to MS because now they can no longer say we are over 30% of the market. - almost 30% is not quite the same ring to it and current trends it looks like they will be lucky hold 25% soon.

Next the Wii-Nintendo will attain it's destined position in the market they are heading to take over 50% which will be a huge coupe for nintendo.

The Sony-PS3 will probably do well to hold onto it's current 22.x% - which they should be pretty happy with given they were a year behind the x360 and most of the games don't have the quality of next-gen and good motion support i expected to see given the hardware - it's a  pretty weak effort. Sony totally failed to provide the developer support to make PS3 games any better than their X360 or PC variants - whatever happened to  gyroscopic pointing or steering in an FPS. ?

So I am pretty pleased about this it's good to see that the traditional hardcore market % shrinking like a dried out mushroom these hardcore games are best played on a PC anyway. And it may inspire Sony and MS to take a look at game quality and the next-gen ideas- like better motion support, voice recognition etc more seriously to try and get back some % - so far they basically suck and nintendo may well approach 60% of the total market - while sony and MS are busy fighting over the smaller "hardcore" market whatever that is ?.


PS3 number 1 fan

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If anything, Nintendo needs to thank MS and Sony for damaging each other in console sales. Sure, core gamers would treat the 360 and PS3 as "one console". (See the PS360 mentions in many forums!)

However, when it comes to public mindshare, great damage has been done to both brands since the typical consumer is not going to support two competing factions at the same time. Just like how the Lib Dem voters will not ally with the Conservatives and vice versa.

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People from the ages of like 3 to 103 are potential wii owners, hardly suprising that its kicking ass in the console war.

Still , Nintendo are gaming hardware and software LEGENDS so i'm happy for them.

If m$ were to release the waggle tomorrow it would make sense.. it would dent nintendo marketshare and it would hurt SONY too.. plus I can finally enjoy some Motion controlled games that dont look like ass..

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

MS gaining on PS3 but losing market share against ps3 ? Something doesn't work...

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^Well, by dropping below 30%, it implies that the 360's weekly marketshare has been sub 30% for a while. It does not matter whether it gained over the PS3, when it still sells proportionally less in comparison to the Wii as well.

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Not all hardcore games are best played on a PC. Just FPS games. Assassin's Creed on PC was awful, most hardcore games don't even come out on PC...
Besides, Halo proves that a console FPS can be amazing.

Microsoft is slowly losing marketshare, but I doubt they're losing hope. The 360 is doing better than the Xbox, and even if its only by a little bit, it doesn't look as exaggerated due to the fact that no console has the numbers that the PS2 had at this point in the Microsoft console's lifespan.

@Ronster: Your sig always makes me laugh :D

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Not all hardcore games are best played on a PC. Just FPS games. Assassin's Creed on PC was awful, most hardcore games don't even come out on PC...
Besides, Halo proves that a console FPS can be amazing.

Microsoft is slowly losing marketshare, but I doubt they're losing hope. The 360 is doing better than the Xbox, and even if its only by a little bit, it doesn't look as exaggerated due to the fact that no console has the numbers that the PS2 had at this point in the Microsoft console's lifespan.

@Ronster: Your sig always makes me laugh :D


 Yup, the sony defence force really turned the screw with the avatar and sig they chose lol

Still , how many people do you know with a perfect record of 27 platinum torphies, 0 gold 0 silver and 0 bronze?

Best gamer alive today?

allergic said:
MS gaining on PS3 but losing market share against ps3 ? Something doesn't work...


 X360 has 30% Market share, and has sold 30M units (example)

Ps3 has 22% and has sold 22M.

Wii has sold 48M


Over the next year, X360 sells 28M, Ps3 sells 24M, and Wii sells 52M


The new market share is now

X360: 58M - 28.4%

Ps3: 46M - 22.5%

Wii: 100M  - 49%


X360 has outsold Ps3, but still lost 1.5% market share. Ps3 sold the least, but still gained 0.5% market share.

This is because X360 sold less than the market share it already had, while Ps3 sold more.

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That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

For every 1 thread a 360 Fan makes 2x PS3 fans make there threads claiming how PS3 is better than 360 lmao..

This one adds to the PS3 list.