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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Best Playstaion till yet

Which is the best playstaion till yet of all the four PSP,PS1,PS2 & PS3?


i think PS2

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Of course it goes to PS2, it would PS3, but PS3's current games and exclusives can't compare to PS2's.

60gb ps3 by far



PS1, best RPG treasure trove of them all.

For me playstation one and two are tied with each other. Really don't like Ps3 as much as 1 and 2. Really don't like psp compared to 3,2,1.


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The reason i said the 60gb ps3, is because it contains a ps2, and ps1 inside of it, not to mention the PSN is an amazing experience, without it the ps3 wouldnt even be a fourth as fun as it is now.



I would say the PS2. It was the best made console by far. I did play the PS1 and had one, but I didn't fully play that consoles games. But I did enjoy the PS2. I played all the GTA's and even Final Fantasy X, that was by the far the best RPG at the time and still is in my opinion.

PS2 rocks, I wish Sony would go back to the PS2 roots and actually make a console for games and not graphics. Gosh Microsoft really screwed Sony up with making a souped up console this generation rather than a console for gaming like last generation.

The PS1 without a doubt!

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Hmm the only one I own is a PS1. Price point is/was best on it. The PSP looks the nicest and is the most intruiging to me. of the three I think the tech specs are best (in relation to it's gen) on the PS3.

I'll go with PS1. Mostly because of the opening up to 3rd party devs.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

the PS1: Any system you can buy for 12$CAN with a 2 year warranty wins.
I mean it, Eb/game stop is insane.