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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

Mine keeps getting cut off in spurts.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

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I cant dl from the market place

This is just temporary. Gotta remember - Xbox live servers have an INCREDIBLE toll being put on them right now.



I like the customization of Avatars, and the fact that they're going to be releasing more clothing every two weeks(?) or something, and of course the possibility of clothing unlocked through achievements. Around 40 of the 100 on my friend's list were on today, and not one Avatar looked the same. Most were replicas of themselves but I had some do funny things like an extremely pale vampire with a monocle and red dreadlocks. It fit's his persona anyway. :P

Downloading Gears 2 was more faster than I expected, only took a few minutes. When I played it, my 360 was quiet and I can tell this will halt RROD on the older models, because no heat emits from the 360 when played from the harddrive.

The interface and guide is incredible, but I haven't even dwelved upon the other things such as Netflix, etc because I was in a rush to leave my house early this morning.

GG Microsoft.

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

I love it so far. Even more than I assumed I would.

I went into it with the idea of creating an absolutely hideous avatar just to stand out from all the virtual fashion models in their aviator sunglasses, but instead I ended up with a litte skeleton person wearing a hunting cap. I actually kind of like it.

I watched a couple Netflix movies so far (I even watched one that has since been removed from Xbox watchable status) and the quality has blown me away. The HD looks HD and it streams up within seconds of starting the movie. I've never actually gotten around to watching Pirates of the Carribean 3, so I'm going to give that a go tonight.

First thing I did this morning now that the official release is here is delete a couple of my zero-gamerscore demos. I had a Puzzle Fighter demo zero score on their for almost a year and it's always bothered me. I know it's not actually a big deal, but it felt really satisfying to be rid of it.

Love the new look to everything, but especially the functionality. It's so much easier to find things and I'm crazy about the full-screen screenshots for all the arcade games. It makes it much easier to window-shop, as it were.

The one thing I haven't done yet is install a game, so I'm looking forward to trying that out. Hopefully I'll have more free time this weekend.

LEFT 4 DEAD - November 17th

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Pity Netflix is US only...

Installing Gears of War cuts loading times by about half from what I can tell. Not to mention the 360 is much quieter and the DVD drive is not being strained. It should also use less electricity which is always a bonus.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I really like t NXE. Tons of different things to do.

Strategyking92 said:
anybody having LIVE problems?


i got got fsod once, and had to reboot but its a niggle and should be patched soon...........if ur talking genaral live problems it will be because of a rush of downloads mainly.

on topic the new dash is better than the old one, imo the old dash was jibberish.

im a nay sayer on the avatars from as they dont do anything.

on the plus side it all moves a lot quicker akin to the ps3 xmb, ie u can quickly get to the item u want asap, i also like the video preview it features on the page like it does on ps3 xmb.

most of all the communication functions are much better and work quicker, ie messeging sending and reciving as u can easily just press ur home button to read them.

all in all id say its very good compared to the old dash, but im scartching my head on the microsoft marketing ploy with NXE, i cant see whats the new experiance about it. i logged on and did exactly the same things i did on old dash, just quicker and slicker.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

All in all a better, more streamlined GUI. Good work MSFT.