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I love it so far. Even more than I assumed I would.

I went into it with the idea of creating an absolutely hideous avatar just to stand out from all the virtual fashion models in their aviator sunglasses, but instead I ended up with a litte skeleton person wearing a hunting cap. I actually kind of like it.

I watched a couple Netflix movies so far (I even watched one that has since been removed from Xbox watchable status) and the quality has blown me away. The HD looks HD and it streams up within seconds of starting the movie. I've never actually gotten around to watching Pirates of the Carribean 3, so I'm going to give that a go tonight.

First thing I did this morning now that the official release is here is delete a couple of my zero-gamerscore demos. I had a Puzzle Fighter demo zero score on their for almost a year and it's always bothered me. I know it's not actually a big deal, but it felt really satisfying to be rid of it.

Love the new look to everything, but especially the functionality. It's so much easier to find things and I'm crazy about the full-screen screenshots for all the arcade games. It makes it much easier to window-shop, as it were.

The one thing I haven't done yet is install a game, so I'm looking forward to trying that out. Hopefully I'll have more free time this weekend.

LEFT 4 DEAD - November 17th