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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Blood of Bahamut, because the DS lacks RPGs.............

awww porr littlewingman has a booboo..T.T

well..on the bright will now be an EPIC DS game!! hehe

get a DS and stop whoring over graphics please..

completely agree with TresTres here..failed opportunity for a Wii game..again..

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@deathcape, I know what you mean, so many rpgs for the DS! SO LITTLE TIME! I want suikoden teirkries aswell. I wish they would release the three tales game in english....hell just one of them would be nice.


hello Seraphic Sixaxis..def a Sony supporter ^_^

nowhere near as many Square games released on DS..and I was talking about exclusives ofcourse..I could get FF1&2 dawn of souls on my GBA while I have to buy them separately on the PSP?

I didn't say they don't release games on the PSP mind you..just way less..and ont talking about quality..cuz the PSP games don't lack that...nor do the DS games..

trestres said:
lilwingman said:
Just another missed opportunity for what could have been an epic PS2 game.




 I like fixing things to.

Just another feather in the cap of the dominant console that is the Nintendo DS, in hardware and software.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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lilwingman said:
Just another missed opportunity for what could have been a failed attempt at an epic PS360 game.


Fixed again.

deathcape said:
hello Seraphic Sixaxis..def a Sony supporter ^_^

nowhere near as many Square games released on DS..and I was talking about exclusives ofcourse..I could get FF1&2 dawn of souls on my GBA while I have to buy them separately on the PSP?

I didn't say they don't release games on the PSP mind you..just way less..and ont talking about quality..cuz the PSP games don't lack that...nor do the DS games..


And you obviously support nintendo yet i was silent about it. hmm....?

Anyways point across Not only is the PSP getting a game thats apart of the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII Series, its also getting a game were Sephiroth can put the beat down on kefka and Squall.

So...yeah...DS has great Square Enix games dont get me wrong, its just PSP's are in the Area of Epic thats all. :P

Untouch said:
lilwingman said:
Just another missed opportunity for what could have been a failed attempt at an epic PS360 game.


Fixed again.


QFT!!! lol indeed Untouch!


@ Serpahic Sixaxis..yeah I know ^_^ I don't take it as an insult though..or use it as one >_<

it's like when a black man says the N word..


in that case..I can only name 2 epic games from Square on the PSP: Dissidia and Birth by Sleep

the rest is just good or great..or doesn't grab my interest >_<


and sorry..but I actually thought FFIV was epic..and nothing beats the co-op in FFCCRoF/FFCCEoT

besides that..upcoming KH and Blood of Bahamut also looks epic..

so..^^'' it's hard to justify: PSP Epic>>DS Epic...


besides..My title inclines: please square..release it somewhere else!! we KNOW the DS's fine..gimme more reasons to get a PSP

deathcape said:
Untouch said:
lilwingman said:
Just another missed opportunity for what could have been a failed attempt at an epic PS360 game.


Fixed again.


QFT!!! lol indeed Untouch!


@ Serpahic Sixaxis..yeah I know ^_^ I don't take it as an insult though..or use it as one >_<

it's like when a black man says the N word..


in that case..I can only name 2 epic games from Square on the PSP: Dissidia and Birth by Sleep

the rest is just good or great..or doesn't grab my interest >_<


and sorry..but I actually thought FFIV was epic..and nothing beats the co-op in FFCCRoF/FFCCEoT

besides that..upcoming KH and Blood of Bahamut also looks epic..

so..^^'' it's hard to justify: PSP Epic>>DS Epic...


besides..My title inclines: please square..release it somewhere else!! we KNOW the DS's fine..gimme more reasons to get a PSP


 @cape- Ahh i see, lol k. now that you put it that way i agree 100% Square Needs to spread the love a little....well...ALOT but ya know what i mean lol.

hehe I know..I also feel the Wii needs some more support..honestly..not much from Square there..

I mean..COME ON square..we have over a bajillion RPGs on the DS!!

please refrain from releasing all at once on one system..I don't have the time to play them..or the money to buy them for later or for another system..the DS RPG section is satured..we need more FPS and platformers..and maybe some puzzle games..

seriously.RPGs are over the's not funny...look it up if you don't know
since Square isn't the only one releasing them.. >_>