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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony ads are blitZING the TV now

I was watching some MTV earlier and every single commercial break there was an ad for the PS3 or LBP, looks like Sony is rolling up the sleeves this year.

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I actually saw three adds within a half hour the other day. It was crazy.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

thats exactly what i'm talking about slave, i saw one no joke every commercial break for a whole hour.

Good seeing more PS3 adds, it should help with the sales this holiday. I just hope I don't have to see that weird "Resist" R2 commercial too much. The one with the crazy tattooed lady and creepy kid......XD.

...damn I don't think I saw any yet sinse the last  few months there's been none I've seen, but I've seen plenty of Micosoft ads, yesterday I was playing the PSP with the tv on and I fergot what show was on but everytime it wen't to commercial there was atlease 1 micorsoft ad, either Gears of War 2 or  Fable II

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I must say that here in Belgium I've seen a lot of ads for the PS3 (especially LBP and Motorstorm 2) and only one for the 360 (for fallout 3 actually). But I don't watch TV a lot, so I don't know if that represents the true marketing campaign (well, and Belgium is quite a small market so they probably don't spend too much money here)

Good to see sony advertising for the holidays and getting their name out there to steal some of the "mind"share. Hopefully it translates into a good holiday for them. Strong sales during the holidays always seem to be a bellwether for good post-holiday sales as well.

On another note: Hopefully this means I won't see anymore of those GD Wii Music Best Buy commercials. Watching football on Sunday it was damn near every 3rd commercial (not exaggerating in the slightest, possibly underestimating it actually).

To Each Man, Responsibility

but the actual sony PS3 ad campaign should start from 21(in 3 days)




if only nintendo did proper advertising. ive seen loads of comericals for wii, guess what they have been for.
disaster, wario, wii music, animal crossing? no
mario kart wii, mario and sonic at the olympic games? yes

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Good to see this aggressive strategy from Sony.

It's one of the most annoying things that most of us complain all the time.
The lack of ads and a low marketing for "AAA" titles.

Could this improve the sales,even at the PS3's high prices?

I think it will,at least a bit.