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Forums - Sony Discussion - Take that trolls !! SOE confirms The Agency still in development.

"On November 18th, PS3 Fanboy HQ received a tip that the PS3/PC online spy game, The Agency, had been reportedly canceled. GameFly listed the project as dead, but we doubted such an ambitious game would be killed by SOE. We did some further investigating.

According to SOE's Katie Hanson, there's no reason to believe that The Agency is canceled. Why GameFly would list the project as canceled is beyond. Perhaps ... there's foul play involved?! (cue dramatic music)"




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I hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, but Sony Online Entertainment has a poor reputation in regards to honest disclosure. Simply put they are perhaps one of the industries worst pathological liars. Often enough their first response is to lie. Many a gaming enthusiast has taken the time to compile a complete list, and it is actually larger then the rap sheet for a full blown sociopath.

When Sony Online Entertainment makes a statement it is often the best of policies to treat it as if it did not exist. What good is someone giving you their word if they do not consider their word in any way shape or form to be sacred. Somewhat like an atheist swearing in the name of god.

I am not saying it is true or false. I am saying the statement is moot in that it provides no proof one way or another. I might take it seriously were the developer to make a commitment to honesty. However to my knowledge they have yet to do that. Even though their credibility is entirely shot to hell.

That is why rumors often have more credibility then the developer themselves. That should be a glowing neon sign when nobody pays attention to you anymore, or even bothers to ask a question.

Dodece said:
I hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, but Sony Online Entertainment has a poor reputation in regards to honest disclosure. Simply put they are perhaps one of the industries worst pathological liars. Often enough their first response is to lie. Many a gaming enthusiast has taken the time to compile a complete list, and it is actually larger then the rap sheet for a full blown sociopath.

When Sony Online Entertainment makes a statement it is often the best of policies to treat it as if it did not exist. What good is someone giving you their word if they do not consider their word in any way shape or form to be sacred. Somewhat like an atheist swearing in the name of god.

I am not saying it is true or false. I am saying the statement is moot in that it provides no proof one way or another. I might take it seriously were the developer to make a commitment to honesty. However to my knowledge they have yet to do that. Even though their credibility is entirely shot to hell.

That is why rumors often have more credibility then the developer themselves. That should be a glowing neon sign when nobody pays attention to you anymore, or even bothers to ask a question.

I agree with most of what you said. But you are essentially saying that we should not believe SOE's announcement about a game that they are developing. How else are we going to know if this game is still in development or not? We have to trust their word at this point...untill either (1) The game comes out or (2) SOE cancels it.


Too bad they weren't uncancelling Eight Days, those fuckers.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

meh that game doesnt really interest me anyway

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@million, I did not know that it was being canceled, nor did i know i should care. is this game like APB for the 360? I must have missed out on my daily what fanboys should be bashing today update meeting one morning

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

what is this game about?

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


@Rol No not really I just though it would make the title more interesting.

Million said:
@Rol No not really I just though it would make the title more interesting.


haha classic.

Is this game going to be even remotely good?

I never cared for this one, so much that I did not even know people thought it was cancelled.

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