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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why most 360 and PS3 multi-plat games are the same?

Almost all the PS3 exclusives have gone multi-platform this gen cause the PS3 hasn't sold well.It is difficult and costs more money and time to develop games for the cell processor.Most of the games which are developed for both 360 and PS3 are first developed with 360 as the base platform and then are ported to the PS3 with no change.The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform.If you look at the PS3 exclusives,they are much better than the multi platform PS3 games.Once the PS3 begins to sell more,the developers will then start to concentrate on it and the 360 versions will be then just a cut out of the PS3 version with less dynamics like the PS2 games which are developed nowadays

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No, almost all the THIRD PARTY PS3 exclusives have gone multiplat this gen. Please don't make me give a long list of PS3 exclusives. Please.

Other than that, you're right. There is also the fact that there are more 360s in use, and so they will sell more software on 360 (almost always happens). PS3 is rarely used as lead platform. But with these exclusives that Microsoft has 'borrowed', PS3 will be lead platform, I'm sure of it. FF13, Tekken 6, DMC, I'm sorry, how many other exclusives has the PS3 lost?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


Almost all the PS3 exclusives have gone multi-platform this gen cause the PS3 hasn't sold well.It is difficult and costs more money and time to develop games for the cell processor.Most of the games which are developed for both 360 and PS3 are first developed with 360 as the base platform and then are ported to the PS3 with no change.The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform. If you look at the PS3 exclusives,they are much better than the multi platform PS3 games.Once the PS3 begins to sell more,the developers will then start to concentrate on it and the 360 versions will be then just a cut out of the PS3 version with less dynamics like the PS2 games which are developed nowadays


You may want to get your facts straight. Third party developers have switched to making the PS3 the lead console because they have trouble porting the 360's code to the PS3. It's easier to port a game from the PS3 to the 360.

The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform...

Why not Wii? It's extremely underpowered comparing with PS3\X360, you contradicts yourself.

Darc Requiem said:

Almost all the PS3 exclusives have gone multi-platform this gen cause the PS3 hasn't sold well.It is difficult and costs more money and time to develop games for the cell processor.Most of the games which are developed for both 360 and PS3 are first developed with 360 as the base platform and then are ported to the PS3 with no change.The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform. If you look at the PS3 exclusives,they are much better than the multi platform PS3 games.Once the PS3 begins to sell more,the developers will then start to concentrate on it and the 360 versions will be then just a cut out of the PS3 version with less dynamics like the PS2 games which are developed nowadays

You may want to get your facts straight. Third party developers have switched to making the PS3 the lead console because they have trouble porting the 360's code to the PS3. It's easier to port a game from the PS3 to the 360.

          Well put Darc Requiem.


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Darc Requiem said:

Almost all the PS3 exclusives have gone multi-platform this gen cause the PS3 hasn't sold well.It is difficult and costs more money and time to develop games for the cell processor.Most of the games which are developed for both 360 and PS3 are first developed with 360 as the base platform and then are ported to the PS3 with no change.The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform. If you look at the PS3 exclusives,they are much better than the multi platform PS3 games.Once the PS3 begins to sell more,the developers will then start to concentrate on it and the 360 versions will be then just a cut out of the PS3 version with less dynamics like the PS2 games which are developed nowadays


You may want to get your facts straight. Third party developers have switched to making the PS3 the lead console because they have trouble porting the 360's code to the PS3. It's easier to port a game from the PS3 to the 360.


This is correct

Yes... PS3 runs max at 2 Teraflops, X360 at 1 teraflop.






They're not the same, 360 versions are better in most cases lol.

I won't be stupid enough to blame it on "inferior" ps3 hardware though.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

@Twestern Noticed you're very Anti-PS3 not in the sense that you troll but you constantly oppose anything pro-ps3 or support anything anti PS3.

Tip : at least compliment the PS3 every now and then to appear less bias.


On topic the title made me lol.

Million said:

@Twestern Noticed you're very Anti-PS3 not in the sense that you troll but you constantly oppose anything pro-ps3 or support anything anti PS3.

Tip : at least compliment the PS3 every now and then to appear less bias.


On topic the title made me lol.


What was anti-PS3 in that comment?  >_>

It's easier to develop for the PS3 first because it's easier to port from the PS3 to the 360.  Don't ask me why because that starts getting into territory I don't know a lot about, but I just know that's what we do and that's why making a PS3/360/PC game is a breeze.