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Does MGS4 have a co-op campaign or anything? I've been trying to get more multiplayer (splitscreen) games.

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Username2324 said:
Does MGS4 have a co-op campaign or anything? I've been trying to get more multiplayer (splitscreen) games.

It doesnt come with co-op. but it does come with Metal Gear Online which is a completly different game altogether.

Username2324 said:

So I've scraped together $60 and want a new PS3 game, however, I don't know which to choose. My choices are as follows (in no specific order):

Resistance 2
Motorstorm Pacific Rift
Metal Gear Solid 4
Soul Caliber 4

If I get R2, I'll have to get R1 so I'm not left out so I'm a little hesitant there. But I fear if I get Motorstorm 2 the only time I'll play it is when others are over (The original campaign was more challenging than enjoyable). I want to get MGS4 for it's beautiful looks however I have not played any other MGS game so I'm pretty sure I'll be completely lost (I'd probably be distracted by the beauty of the game anyways). And then I would like to try SC4  because I don't really have any multiplayer fighting games, aside from Def Jam Icon which is utter crap after the first 5 minutes.

Let the suggestions begin!

(I already own LBP)

I personally think MGS4 is the best of those. Resistance 2 is a close second.

MGS4's story can and will get confusing, the database eases that a little. And the gameplay is top notch.

Resistance has never really been story based. You get pretty much all the backstory you need from the Shattered History trailer and the Wikipedia article. Also, the first Resistance, while good for a launch game, isn't excellent.

Soulcalibur IV isn't great. Really, it isn't. The Character Creation is the best part, there are guides that help you make famous characters (I made Altair, Hulk, Link and several others). It's best enjoyed with a friend over. Although the single player isn't awful, it isn't excellent either and other than Tower of Lost Souls it's repetitive (Arcade)/text heavy (Story). It gets really frustrating at points. The online is buggy, laggy and unplayable. Only get it if you really like fighting games and can't wait until Tekken 6 (But get Tekken 6 as well)

MotorStorm Pacific Rift is good, but nowhere near as good as MGS4, R2 or even SC4. The handling is awful. Please note I am basing this on a demo because that's the only experience I have with the game.

Oh and also Valkyria Chronicles. That's really good. Again based on a demo. But still.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

#1. MGS4 (A truly Epic title.) *Whispers* Dont tell anybody, i dont own this game yet but i will soonner or later. lol dont wanna be attacked by the MGS4 Squad...oh...crap... O_-

#2. Soul-Calibur IV (Best Fighting game of 2008, Super Smash bros. Brawl aint got nothin on this game.)

#3. Valkyria Chronicles (Cause ya know ya want it. :P)

Absolute no to Soul Calibur. If you want a good fighter I'd recommend Virtua Fighter 5. It doesn't have online, but the Quest mode is damn addictive.

Anyway, get MGS4 :P

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Out of the ones you listed I'd say MGS4 or Resistance 2. Those other games look good too, but I think these two should be bought first. Whichever you buy of those 4 you should have fun though.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

MGS4 was my first MGS game, I had watched the MGS retrospectives on GameTrailers as my only preparation.
And I had no trouble following the story. Sure there were small references I didn't catch, but the story was never confusing to me.
And I absolutely loved MGS4, I have absolutely no gripes with the game, I think it is one best game of this generation so far.

I haven't played a lot of R2 yet, so I can't really speak for that, but personally, I think Motorstorm: Pacific Rift is awesome!

I guess u already have LBP, so get resistance2. As for MGS4, everybody are saying is brilliant, but i dont know i dont have it, never liked MGS's..u might like it.

mgs4 and motorstorm PR




Valkryia Chronicles.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"