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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "When do you think we will see the first next-gen console?" -wtf?-

When do you think we will see the first next-gen console?

2009 3 1.51%
2010 31 15.58%
2011 91 45.73%
2012 60 30.15%
2013 14 7.04%

45% of you think 2011 will bring our first "Next gen" Console? explain this blasphemy, since i voted 2013 and imo, thats still push'n it in terms of how long it'll take.

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2011 seems fairly likely for someone to come out with another console. I believe that would follow the 5-6 year generations that have been the norm, though I could be mistaken.


I think the real question is, who the hell voted for 2009?

wfz said:
I think the real question is, who the hell voted for 2009?


Lol!!! True, true ...

2009 3 1.51%

Seems 3 people on VG have very...indiffernt...opinions about the consoles. :P

wfz said:
I think the real question is, who the hell voted for 2009?

I think the idea is that Microsoft would ditch the 360 in four years just like the original Xbox. But given the success of the platform, I doubt that. I only hope that people give this generation more time. Consoles, games, and accessories/peripherals have eaten up a bunch of my money. I don't want to be buying entirely new consoles in a few years.




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MontanaHatchet said:
wfz said:
I think the real question is, who the hell voted for 2009?

I think the idea is that Microsoft would ditch the 360 in four years just like the original Xbox. But given the success of the platform, I doubt that. I only hope that people give this generation more time. Consoles, games, and accessories/peripherals have eaten up a bunch of my money. I don't want to be buying entirely new consoles in a few years.



@Bolded- I Agree totally man, if any one of the comapnys did that so early i bet even there hardcore fans would be pissed with them, i sure as hell would be pissed if Sony pulled a PS4 around the cornor godforbid.


I voted 2012!!!!!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Most people here didn't buy their console in the first year so I don't see what the problem is. Just because something is released doesn't mean you have to buy it straight away.


wfz said:
I think the real question is, who the hell voted for 2009?

People who don't know much, that's who.

I voted 2012.

I'm guessing somewhere 2011... And that's because 360 is likely peaking this very holiday-season. Then it'll do a good 2009 that is similar... Then 2010 for Xbox = Gamecube's 2005 and then one last year of suffering (=2011)... End 2011 is new console... Cuzz they wanna kickstart the damn thing with the holidays around the corner! And I'm guessing Microsoft likes the head-start cuzz they have narrowed Sony's marketshare down from 60% to 22% (and growing, slightly)