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Forums - Sony Discussion - Irony (PS3 red light of death)

Can't say I'm entirely surprised to see this happen (still a bummer), but today I finally managed to run my original production run 60GB PS3 to death.

For those unfamiliar with PS3 hardware death (the equivalent of the RRoD), which would be the vast majority of users, it goes something like: Press power, green light, one yellow light blink, then green, followed by intermittent red light blinking until the power button is pressed again (solid red light). Subsequent presses of the power button produces the same light sequence. No menu, etc.

The irony is that my Zephyr 360 still works after a little over one year (no RRoDs). However...

Considering the 360 has seen modest use (with plenty of lengthy inactive periods) as it has only been used to play games and watch the occasional HD-DVD, and considering that the PS3 has logged close to 5,000 hours (roughly figuring 440+ Folding units @ 8 hours per data packet, plus hundreds of hours spent watching DVDs, BRDs, video off HDD, plus PS2 and PS3 game time), I'd say it soldiered on like a trooper until The End. 

It once ran for 6 months non-stop (zero down time at all), which is when most of those Folding units were completed.

So, the dilemna is do I replace it immediately with a quieter, greener low wattage 80GB unit, send the old 60GB unit in for repair (long out of warranty), or... just crack it open and see what might have gone wrong.

I'm not buying a used unit, but I am considering buying a 40GB MGS4 LE bundle rather than buying a generic PS3.

Alternately, I could wait for a good Black Friday deal on a new, current 80GB unit, but... I pretty much want a replacement PS3 within the week given the amount of usage my original saw on a regular basis.

RIP 60GB. You were a friend to the end. lol!

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i feel you're pain. when a console dies, a knew hole burns into you're pocket.

RIP your PS3

Doest the ps3 have a recovery mode now?



It must really suck, specially since it's a 60gb, It's gonna be hard to find one for the original price.


Folding? there you go :P

The red light=HDD failure. Search the web for fixes... also, if they don't work, send in for repair. You get your original console back, I'd assume you want your BC.

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Heaven Forbid Question:

If my 60gig PS3 breaks (160gigs now), and I spend the $150 to get it fixed, do they send me MY PS3 back?

Or some 80gig refurb back?

I love my 60gig(160gig) PS3. Waited 38 hours in line for it, sold it, then bought it back LMFAO.



PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

Sorry to hear about your loss man.....hopefully it is a quick and easy fix.

Well sending it in for repair might only cost you what, $150 max?

You could then spend the rest of the money you were planning on spending for a fully priced PS3 on games.

Although getting a cleaner quieter 80GB model will help the ecosystem.

Ecowarriors unite!


Getting another PS3 while you repair your current one seems like a great plan!

Sucks that it dieded.

I've had mine on pretty much since I got it (folding@home when not in use), and still no troubles!


PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


I waited till the prices went down to buy the 60 GB and I would definitely send it in for repair and foot the bill.

As I understand it, they fix and return what you sent them but you better double check that.

I guess it really depends on how long you want to wait especially with all the quality games that are coming out now.