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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Other Side: Edition One(Visuals in Gaming)

Btw, when you said "most prominent members" of VGChartz, I naturally assumed you were talking about those of us from the great state of Louisiana, like outlaw, gnizmo, you, and myself.

I'm sad to see I was wrong. :(

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Squilliam said:
Btw "So to go back to the question, why so much focus on realism? WE LIVE IN A REALISTIC WORLD. It's so much easier for the masses to relate to a game that is realistic and because we live in this world most of our games are going to take the realistic side. Thus recreating it is like a self conscious notion of hubris(pride) for man that they can accomplish on computers what took the universe or god ages to accomplish. As nice as this all is, it's unfair to say that every game needs to be realistic and inherently they shouldn't. There is a hell of a lot of genres out there so why not a hell of a lot of visual styles to go along with them. They should be jsut as acceptable and critically acclaimed as the ones that try to capture reality. A little bit of bias for me is that anyone can simply copy and paste the world into a game but it takes a true genius to take it, throw in the garbage, and come up with something completely original. In spite of that, Crysis and Okami are the works of geniuses and should BOTH be respected that way. That's justice."

Relates back to the familiarity argument of Selnor:

"Most games out there generally have their own unique look. Originality is important in gaming. But so is familiarity."


Yep it does.  A lot of things I write are meant to be progressive so people don't get too lost where I'm going with things haha.

makingmusic476 said:
Btw, when you said "most prominent members" of VGChartz, I naturally assumed you were talking about those of us form the great state of Louisiana, like outlaw, gnizmo, you, and myself.

I'm sad to see I was wrong. :(


Haha well there was method to my madness.  I sent those questions out to twelve people: 3 prominent Nintendo fans, 3 prominent Sony fans, 3 prominent MS fans, and 3 prominent PC fans.  Unfortunately the PC fans never responded and a few of the others didn't respond also.  I won't disclose their name because either they didn't want to be apart of it or none of my business to make them seem lesser.  But I wanted ya know a good representation.  And if you noticed I used quotes from all sides... I didn't do that by necessity but just seemed to work out that way haha.

Nice article, great read. Very well thought out.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Thx again guys. Wonder if I could get this as a news article. Don't have enough editorials up there anyways.

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brilliant article Zucas....why aren't you a contributor??

this should be in the news section....

ps. yay I got!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I just don't know who to contact to get it up. Who runs the news section or what not.

Alright thx.

Nice read. I agree that visuals are a very important part of gaming and that each game should have it's own style. There are games that I have played that have a unique style but it brought me out of the game instead of immersing me in it and making me believe I was interacting with this other world. I think that is the true role of graphics, to take you into the game world.

It was a very good article and I agree with you. Visuals are very important in games. I wish more developers took notice to that. Especially since I own a Wii. When I see that my Guitar Hero game that looks exactly like it's PS2 counterpart, it pisses me off so much.

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