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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Quality Wii support has snuck up on us.

MontanaHatchet said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:
MontanaHatchet said:
I don't mean to be rude, but the PS3 and 360 are getting dozens of games in the 80% and 90% range, while the Wii gets a couple of games in the 70% range? I reiterate that I'm not trying to be rude or troll. No one disputes the quality of 90+ Wii games like Super Smash Bros., Zelda, or Galaxy. But these games don't seem that great. Hell, with a score like that, Sonic Unleashed actually seems to be a huge disappointment.


Wii's AAA titles > PS3/360's AAA titles.

also, IMO, half the crap that gets 80s and 90s on the PS3/360  should get 60s and 70s, and half the stuff on the Wii that gets 60s and 70s should get 80s and 90s. unfair, baised websites and reviewers...

So what should the Wii titles in the 80 and 90 score range get? 100-110% scores? There is no logic in this. Just random website hate.


its not random website hate. late me just take gamespot for example.

Mario Galaxy- 9.5 - great.

Twilight Princess- 8.8 - uhh...

Metroid Prime 3 - 8.5 - uhhhh....

Mario Kart Wii- 8.5 - ok, this is ridiculous

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 6.0 - ok, wtf?

Wario Land: Shake it- 7.5 - ....

I have to leave soon, but I'm going to make a thread with this later... but let me just say this.

If TP, MP3, MKWii, etc etc were on any other console, they would get higher ratings. Its biased. You can't tell me that Bioshock was better than TP, MP3 or MKWii, cause it wasn't. You can't tell me GTAIV was one of the most amazing games ever and was a 10/10, cause it wasn't. Fire Emblem, they gave that a 6, and they gave the one before than at 8.5. I find it funny because every Fire Emblem fan thought that game was better in every single aspect, as did I, and should of ATLEAST got a 9.0/10.0



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jlauro said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Zucas said:
What I want to know is why people think 7s are bad. Well I know why. BAD reviewers throw out 8s and 9s so much nowadays that average review scores of mid to late 6 and 7s just don't look good anymore. That's our review system for ya.

And I don't see what's wrong with that. If you believe a 6 or 7 is good, then buy the game. You don't have to listen to the scores reviewers give to their games. They're using their own scale, and since the scales are generally the same across most major gaming sites, I'd say that they must have at least something right.


LOL - If only they were the same...  It is normal for reviews to differ by 30-40 points, and strangely I see over 50 point difference too often.


Castlevania Judgment - 75 (good) from IGN and 16 (D- bad) from 1UP.  (To be fair, the letter rankings for 1UP don't translate well to metacritic number scores IMO.



I was referring to similarities in the way they score games, not the scores they give to games. Besides, 1UP uses a letter system because they'd like to avoid the confusing number system.

By the way, for anyone saying that standards for review scores have dropped, the Playstation 2 alone has 46 games with a score over 90% on Gamerankings (what a mouthful). Of course, the PS2 is an amazing console with amazing games, but that doesn't sound like the games were put under a ridiculously high criteria (especially because several of these 90+ games were sports games.



I say this every time... people have overlooked Web of Shadows so much, it's badass on all 3 major platforms, the reviewers giving it a bad rap is full of themselves, it's got amazing combat, awesome open world, and some of the best comic book to video game writing ever.

Also yes I have to agree with Zucas it's pretty sad to have 6s and 7s be the "average" game when it should be 5's. I also agree with Phoenix on the overrated PS360 titles, it's insane how bad they can be and still get 8s while gems like web of shadows gets 5s... It's also insane to me that people compare Wii versions to PS3 and 360 versions which they look at the graphics and usually go "this looks bad" and it's like an automatic point lower... which if you were to compare the PS360 to Wii versions then well you'd have to compare controls on PS3 and 360 to the Wii remote... and on CoD WaW Wii just obliterates the PS360 controls, if you want the content get the PC version if you don't have a good PC get the Wii version end of story.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

lol, another thing thats SOOOO wtf to me. there are only 3 games on metacritic for DS rated 90+

ya, okay, gtfo. the DS has had some really amazing games and theres only 3 rated higher than 90?
games like the phoenix wright series deserve to be all in the 9 range, yet they're in like the 7 range. honestly, what the hell? it's almost as if a reviewer doesn't like the genre, he or she will automatically give it a lower score. wait, did i say almost as if? i meant to say that's how it actually is. biaseddd.

KylieDog said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
I say this every time... people have overlooked Web of Shadows so much, it's badass on all 3 major platforms, the reviewers giving it a bad rap is full of themselves, it's got amazing combat, awesome open world, and some of the best comic book to video game writing ever. 


It was pretty bad in many ways.


The story was absent a lot of the time, when some story did poke its head in it was often poor at best.  The voice acting was horrible for actual voice (spiderman hasn't hit puberty?!) as well the actual acting.  The challenge was really lacking, and the token system sucked.


The battle system was great, but just not needed given how the enemies were so pathetic, why bother doing these amazing combos when for 99% of enemies you can just press the same combo you started the game with?  Maybe if enemies were tougher and required better combos the effort for tokens may have been worth it.


Personally I just said to myself 'screw this upgrading' and went on with the game, never had any trouble because of it.


*eye twitch* I got the crap beat out of me... by many many things... and by the time the city is overrun... you get those things that will gang the crap out of you... though the AI might be different between the 360 and Wii version but my friend played the 360 version while I played Wii and we both loved it and when he started talking about how the 360 game had all this stuff I was like yeah the Wii has that too and he didn't believe me.  And I don't know where you get the "lack of story" deal from... I mean it was a little slow in the beginning but it picked up a lot... did you beat the game?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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This thread needs more Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

alot of PS360 games gets special tretaments just beacuse they have "pretty" graphics.

reviewers often ingnore all the problems... just look at GTA IV..shudders.


Unlike Wii, were they totaly destroy the game for having some minor problems.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Considering the way that non-PS360PC games are rated nowadays, some of those won't be the first - nor the last - Wii games to receive a review score in the "7.X" range" that I buy and probably enjoy.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom




I can't seem to find monster lab... I'm certain however that the rest of those games I really don't like.... however I am enjoying Wii Music... I have this odd feeling that it isn't supposed to be a game, it would be much better suited being a channel on the Wii... built in on purchase?

Maybe it's time Nintendo packaged Wii Music with Wii's?

It feels more in tuned with what the Wii is meant to do than Wii Sports.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

why the hell is everyone still taking reviews so seriously??? geez let's not use that as a point of argument ever again please.