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jlauro said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Zucas said:
What I want to know is why people think 7s are bad. Well I know why. BAD reviewers throw out 8s and 9s so much nowadays that average review scores of mid to late 6 and 7s just don't look good anymore. That's our review system for ya.

And I don't see what's wrong with that. If you believe a 6 or 7 is good, then buy the game. You don't have to listen to the scores reviewers give to their games. They're using their own scale, and since the scales are generally the same across most major gaming sites, I'd say that they must have at least something right.


LOL - If only they were the same...  It is normal for reviews to differ by 30-40 points, and strangely I see over 50 point difference too often.


Castlevania Judgment - 75 (good) from IGN and 16 (D- bad) from 1UP.  (To be fair, the letter rankings for 1UP don't translate well to metacritic number scores IMO.



I was referring to similarities in the way they score games, not the scores they give to games. Besides, 1UP uses a letter system because they'd like to avoid the confusing number system.

By the way, for anyone saying that standards for review scores have dropped, the Playstation 2 alone has 46 games with a score over 90% on Gamerankings (what a mouthful). Of course, the PS2 is an amazing console with amazing games, but that doesn't sound like the games were put under a ridiculously high criteria (especially because several of these 90+ games were sports games.