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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Nintendo really have any good games?

Jedah Dohma said:
The Wii doesn't have too much to offer compared to the PS3 and 360.

If you want a big selection of quality titles, you're buying the wrong system. I don't understand why you're buying it period if there aren't many games for it that interest you.

I think you should get a 360 instead.

Megaman has a PS3.

PSWii has much more to offer than PS360, since most games are multiplat.
And there are at least 15 titles very much worth playing at this moment, more than enough to warrant a purchase.


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Super Paper Mario is one of the best games on the Wii. I think it's better than both Ratchet and Mario Galaxy.

BengaBenga, I think PS360 is better personly, because both the 360 and PS3 both have better exclusives than the Wii does. If he's going to get a Wii, it should be after he owns both HD consoles or either he should wait until the Wii has enough games that interest him. Because any time you need to ask if a console has any good games on it, you probably shouldn't be buying it.

Oyvoyvoyv said:

Is Super Paper Mario really any good? I didn't really like SMRPG or Paper Mario a lot. They felt very repetitive, has that been changed here?

PS: Sorry for going semi off-topic.


Well it's more of a platformer/puzzle game now with RPG elements if that makes any sense.  But yes VERY good, only thing is you'd either want VO or a skip button by the end of the game cause it's VERY VERY VERY text heavy, don't get me wrong it's a very good story, but man when I was thinking "alright cool straight to the point" it went on and on about whatever they were talking about... Anyway get it, it's very good, worth the purchase for sure.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Wait, you're going to buy ALL the old classics off of the VC?

That is a lot of money good sir.

@Jedah - How does Wii bingo insult fans of other consoles? Let's review the comments you've made: "The Wii doesn't have too much to offer compared to the PS3 and 360."


"But the Wii really doesn't have much to offer."


"The Wii only appeals to Nintendo fanatics as far as core games and then the rest of it's library is made up of lesser quality casual garbage. "

Yet again, opinion. Only this time you're also insulting the owners of the console.

"Oh, you mean the thing Nintendo fanatics like to hide behind because their console has no good games and every sane person sees it?"

Same as above. "I think PS360 is better personly, because both the 360 and PS3 both have better exclusives than the Wii does. If he's going to get a Wii, it should be after he owns both HD consoles or either he should wait until the Wii has enough games that interest him. Because any time you need to ask if a console has any good games on it, you probably shouldn't be buying it."

Key word bolded. Using your logic, he shouldn't get a 360 because it doesn't have enough games that interest him. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here trying to convince him.

What have we learned? That opinion is not equal to fact. Your reasons for discrediting the Wii are purely subjective. Stop trolling. OT: Rikki86 has a point, those titles alone will keep you busy for a while. Also, you're not being realistic if you're expecting a new Mario/Zelda title every 2 years or so--those games take years to perfect. Aside from the shovelware party games, there's also good ones such as: Mario Party, Warioware etc.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

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Hmm...the OT part was supposed to be a separate paragraph. Oh well.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

Jedah Dohma said:
Super Paper Mario is one of the best games on the Wii. I think it's better than both Ratchet and Mario Galaxy.

BengaBenga, I think PS360 is better personly, because both the 360 and PS3 both have better exclusives than the Wii does. If he's going to get a Wii, it should be after he owns both HD consoles or either he should wait until the Wii has enough games that interest him. Because any time you need to ask if a console has any good games on it, you probably shouldn't be buying it.


 Crazy ideas.


I guess it's true. Enthusiast gamers really are insatiable. You give them a dearth of good titles, enough to keep most people satisfied for several years, and they just clamor for more before they've even opened the box on those new games. Instead of complaining about not getting everything you want like a spoiled child does, doesn't it make more sense to enjoy what you do have to the utmost, and treasure each of the new releases you get?

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Jedah Dohma said:

Those games you listed are really good, but I'm going to have to disagree with you when you say they're the best Action Adventure games.

Zelda I agree with as one of the best, but I think Ninja Gaiden 2, is better than Metriod and Zelda.


Keep in mind, when you view the following picture, that I love, love Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden 2.


btw just wanted to point out that the wii series has 3 main titles and 2 spin offs with another following next year. the only one i would consider a cash in is wii chess and that failed.

anyways as you have insulted a console i own i mjst reaspond with a list! thats the hardcore way to do it! lulz

nintendo franchises: S&P2 and punch out Q1 . for the rest of the year there is the possibillity of zelda, pikmin, kid icarus, whatever else they announce. miyamoto said no mario until 2010 and i wouldnt count on a new metroid until next gen, retro is working on something else.

as for the rest well u proaby know, what genres are you looking for?

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia