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Forums - Sales Discussion - Does anyone see any way the Wii will NOT win this gen?

Since I could not find the link to the old one, I'll just post what I said on the other one.

Well said, Happy Squrriel

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Its wayyyy to early to tell if the wii will win, the 360 can just rocket up in sales, or even the ps3 at anytime during the holiday season, basicly it can, and it cant we will see wat happens this holiday season.



Well, someone did mention a few days ago that he thought the PSP had a "long-term advantage" over the DS, so yes, I imagine there are people out there that think the Wii will not have the largest market-share. I am not one of them.

Just when we thought that Nintendo was only going casual on DS they gave us NSMB. See Nintendo loves us. Many of us have memories that are far to short. Nintendo always has another carrot to put on the end of that string.

Sony and MS need to hold back, if the Wii succeeds they can extend the life of their consoles and recoup some of the losses. Wii opened them up to allow a life cycle that doesn't have to end as soon as they can start selling the next big graphical leap for under $600(used to be $300).

Longer life cycles would be good for gamers too.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

leo-j said:
Its wayyyy to early to tell if the wii will win, the 360 can just rocket up in sales, or even the ps3 at anytime during the holiday season, basicly it can, and it cant we will see wat happens this holiday season.

It's early, yes, but Wii has something the others don't right now, and that's momentum. It should be easier for them to maintain momentum than for their competitors to build momentum that overtakes the Wii's. The thing I see that's so huge for the Wii is the fact that it's maintained launch level momentum for this long.

I agree that we'll be have a much clearer picture after the holidays, I personally think the Wii will way outsell it's competition over the holiday because of the buzz that surrounds it, mass appeal, games, and price.

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If the earth ends in 2012 as pre-dated.

Timmah! said:
leo-j said:
Its wayyyy to early to tell if the wii will win, the 360 can just rocket up in sales, or even the ps3 at anytime during the holiday season, basicly it can, and it cant we will see wat happens this holiday season.

It's early, yes, but Wii has something the others don't right now, and that's momentum. It should be easier for them to maintain momentum than for their competitors to build momentum that overtakes the Wii's. The thing I see that's so huge for the Wii is the fact that it's maintained launch level momentum for this long.

I agree that we'll be have a much clearer picture after the holidays, I personally think the Wii will way outsell it's competition over the holiday because of the buzz that surrounds it, mass appeal, games, and price.

 That is exactly my point. What happens if it looses that though? It dont have the power, or really anything else to throw out to get that back. Same thing happend to the N64, and GameCube.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Oh fudge cakes, I forgot to say

Nintendo? No. It will be the most profitable as always.

Wii? Yes. Not easily. But yes. It's anticipated games could crap out. Promised 3rd party support may not give anything of worth. It may end up being a fad after all. Even in this case, I would still expect it to rule the roost through at least the end of 2008.

Do I find that scenario likely? Not on your life.

Really the only way I see the Wii not winning, is longevity problems.

The Wii was not built with a long cycle in mind, so I wouldn't be surprised if it gave out in a couple years. However, it is entirely possible the Wii can keep chugging, so really it is all just speculation, especially this early on.

EDIT: Post 100!