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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii SW sales in Japan for 2008.

I agree, one year from now in Japan the Wii is going to be screwed

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^as screwed as the ps3 or even more??? no, not possible right


Isn't MH-tri coming out next year in japan?

@Maynard: No, at Capcoms forums, Sven and other moderators said the game COULD be coming in 2009, but 2010 was more likely.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Maynard_Tool said:

^as screwed as the ps3 or even more??? no, not possible right


Isn't MH-tri coming out next year in japan?

How is the PS3 screwed in Japan again ? :)


^ just look at its sales...... both HARD & SOFT. Of course, compared to the wii ones

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And still, 3rd parties are doing better on Wii than PS3 or Xbox 360 when it comes to money. Who knows, maybe PS2 is doing better than all of them. Of course, DS is making 3rd parties more money than everything else combined in Japan (except Capcom with the Monster Hunter spin off on PSP).

There is little wonder why 3rd parties are focusing on DS above anything else.


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Maynard_Tool said:
^ just look at its sales...... both HARD & SOFT.

Hardware is a problem because of price and the Japanese economy being on a downturn... should well improve with WKC and the other games released for it in 2009...

But you talk software? how come the PS3 has software in the Japan top 10 and the Wii doesn't? major, intentional, self pwn? A Western shooter, R2, outsells a casual game 4:1? the Wii is in trouble, not the PS3.


well the point isn't that wii is selling no software, he points out that wii sold 10 million software, but lets look at the whole picture

DS - 20 million
wii 10 - million
psp - 7 million
ps2 - 5 million
ps3 3.8 million
360 - 1.3 million

as a note nintendo sold 18 million software in Japan (out of 48 million total on all systems).

As you can see it's not that wii isn't selling software, it's actually far from the truth. The problem is nintendo needs to change the distrubution of software sales. They need to do what they did with the DS in Japan. They need to put some confidence in 3rd parties that they can succeed.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

It's interesting that you dug up all the arguments I lobbied against the Wii when we had the major argument exactly a month ago about the Wii not selling 3rd party software at all.


But at any rate, I agree with you. Even if the quality of the 3rd party software has been....Tepid, it still hasn't justified how everything is doing as a whole in Japan.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Xen said:
Maynard_Tool said:
^ just look at its sales...... both HARD & SOFT.

Hardware is a problem because of price and the Japanese economy being on a downturn... should well improve with WKC and the other games released for it in 2009...

But you talk software? how come the PS3 has software in the Japan top 10 and the Wii doesn't? major, intentional, self pwn? A Western shooter, R2, outsells a casual game 4:1? the Wii is in trouble, not the PS3.



Ok, you can make whatever excuse you want. Compare the numers, that's all I asked for.

If you think the wii is in trouble with almost 7 million consoles sold (compare to less than 3 millions Ps3) and 24 million+ of software (compare to.... 7 million+ software of ps3)........... Well, you need to improve in your math skills dude