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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did sony defeat themselves this generation?

leo, taking into account all their overconfidence and arrogance during the PS2-PS3 transition, personally I think they deserve to be getting their butt kicked, as they strayed far from the path that made the Playstation brand synonimous with videogames a few years ago.

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darthdevidem01 said:

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.


No, they really did there in the beginning:

Fishy, and if the investors abandom them, then it´s bye bye Playstation brand?

No. They would of still lost... unless they like added an IR function and made a wii sports type game.

They prolly woulda beat MS though.

Of course they would of also suffered amazing huge losses.

Unless you mean they make a completly different system.  In which case... who knows?

JGarret said:
Fishy, and if the investors abandom them, then it´s bye bye Playstation brand?


What happens is that executives get fired. Nobody wants to lose their job.

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Price can be seen as the major reason. But surely not the only reason.

4 ≈ One

Aj_habfan said:
Holy shit, this is the most obvious, overdone thread I have ever seen, hahaha.


 haha i was going to just say something nice and agree with leo-j. but after reading this i have to say this is the best post.


should have put "/end thread" after it Aj

Yes, they have. Everyone knows it, even Sony fanboys should. Like you said, Leo-j, they did shoot themselves in the foot and they are paying for their arrogance. No one I know has a PS3 besides my supervisor at the daycare I work at, and her husband only has it to play sports games on it. Most of the people I know own mainly a Wii and some own a X360. And by trying to out-do the X360 with 'mature' games and high-tech specs, they eliminated the people who wanted to purchase the console that were original PS2 owners wanting to upgrade. And I also seriously doubt that people want to buy the PS3 as it is now because if they own PS2 games, they would want to upgrade and play them on the PS3. Sony shot themselves in the foot again with that too, Leo-j.

darthdevidem01 said:

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.

Even if PS3 was $399 or $299 at launch it wouldn't offer that DIFFERENT wouldn't tap into that BLUE OCEAN that the wii does.

WHY is the Xbox 360 not selling more than the wii right now?? same reason.

THe day nintendo sai "we are not competing with MS & SONY" at E3 was the day I laughed at did many others

BUT that was the day that defined this generations future.

Nintendo defeated SONY by their strategy.


You make a good point, but Sony did shoot themselves in the foot and Microsoft capitalized with their gameplan.

Naraku_Diabolos said:

Yes, they have. Everyone knows it, even Sony fanboys should. Like you said, Leo-j, they did shoot themselves in the foot and they are paying for their arrogance. No one I know has a PS3 besides my supervisor at the daycare I work at, and her husband only has it to play sports games on it. Most of the people I know own mainly a Wii and some own a X360. And by trying to out-do the X360 with 'mature' games and high-tech specs, they eliminated the people who wanted to purchase the console that were original PS2 owners wanting to upgrade. And I also seriously doubt that people want to buy the PS3 as it is now because if they own PS2 games, they would want to upgrade and play them on the PS3. Sony shot themselves in the foot again with that too, Leo-j.


Exactly. Soon after Microsoft acquired the JRPG's and cut a line right down the middle of Sony's last gen installed base, giving them a cheaper alternative.