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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS predicts 25 million sold (through to customer) by end of November.

It's possible, but will most likely be just north of 24m worldwide by the end of November.

The X360 is at 22.55m right now, according to VGC with no changes....US NPD could reveal that Microsoft sold more units, and is undertracked in the US (possible, but we don't know).

There are 4 weeks left in November, as per NPD, making it a 5-week month.

Last year, the Xbox 360 sold 1,369,422 units between now and the end of November. If the X360 sold the exact same as it did last year, that would put the install base at 23.91 million units as of the end of November.

However, the X360 is selling roughly 20% better than it was last year, last week, as per VGC data. This would put the Xbox 360 at 24.20 million units by the end of November.

24.2 is close, but not quite there. There are 2 possible ways that the 800,000 unit gap could be bridged:

1) VGC has undertracked the Xbox 360 "somewhere" - maybe not a major region, but enough to close some of (or a decent bif of) that 800k gap.
2) X360 sees major YOY increases in November....Past the 20% margin we've seen this past week. Likely given the fact that Japan and Europe are doing much better comparatively to last year.

25m is possible. I think it'll be around 24.5m by the end of November, though. My 27.0m prediction (made in mid December last year) is looking pretty good.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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The numbers are from the end of the march but they are actually referring to the number of manufactured PS3s, they didn't even have to ship them to count it at that time.

PS3 sales were not even 3 million yet. Maybe they're misusing the word but i see no reason to believe it's sold to customers.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Gaming PR is becoming very annoying.

Shipped used to mean shipped, sold used to be "sold to consumers"......then "sold" changed its meaning to "sold to retail" installed base was used to describe "sold to consumers"..

..and now they are at it again... taking the term "installed based" and using if for "sold to retail". Stop changing the goalposts.

@mrstickball: I think that takes care of the topic... nicely done.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


INSTALLED BASE MEANS CONSOLES THAT HAVE BEEN PURCHASED AND ARE IN USE!! Shipped items will always be larger in quantity than installed base, because there will always be highs and lows with sales with sellingout and backstock. They are not the same thing!

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how do you explain the link i gave then?

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

First of all 2 to 1 figure is BS because they get the numbers just two hours before us.

johnsobas said:
how do you explain the link i gave then?


If you were talking to me then installed base is just a shorter way to say existing user base. I don't believe MS will get to 25 M until the end of the year as well. This prediction is a bit much, because there must be something they know that I don't.

"It's a great milestone for us, but it's still only a start, when you consider that history shows that more than three-fourths of a console's sales come at a price of $199 or lower," a price point that the company reached just a month ago.

Thats quite an interesting analysis. So according ot the above, the 360 could sell upwards of 90million during it's lifetime if we times the current figure by 4. Competition is so fierce these days, I somehow doubt it. Just like I doubt the PS3 will be as successful as it's predecessor nor do I think it will be a '10 year console' as some big shots at Sony would like it to be. Not even the mega successful PSOne or PS2 achieved that.

I don't see that happening....

4 ≈ One