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It's possible, but will most likely be just north of 24m worldwide by the end of November.

The X360 is at 22.55m right now, according to VGC with no changes....US NPD could reveal that Microsoft sold more units, and is undertracked in the US (possible, but we don't know).

There are 4 weeks left in November, as per NPD, making it a 5-week month.

Last year, the Xbox 360 sold 1,369,422 units between now and the end of November. If the X360 sold the exact same as it did last year, that would put the install base at 23.91 million units as of the end of November.

However, the X360 is selling roughly 20% better than it was last year, last week, as per VGC data. This would put the Xbox 360 at 24.20 million units by the end of November.

24.2 is close, but not quite there. There are 2 possible ways that the 800,000 unit gap could be bridged:

1) VGC has undertracked the Xbox 360 "somewhere" - maybe not a major region, but enough to close some of (or a decent bif of) that 800k gap.
2) X360 sees major YOY increases in November....Past the 20% margin we've seen this past week. Likely given the fact that Japan and Europe are doing much better comparatively to last year.

25m is possible. I think it'll be around 24.5m by the end of November, though. My 27.0m prediction (made in mid December last year) is looking pretty good.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.