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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii not collecting dust - myth debunked

Until there isnt any comparable data (to the ps3/360/psp/ds) this is just "white elephant" information. Ofcourse people play their wii's but how much in comparison to their other consoles?

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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theprof00 said:
yushire said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
yushire said:


 If you play a game 3 hours a day then after a week you play the same game till 6 hours it still registers a 3 hours a day because its the average of your total play time get it?

No it doesn't.

If I play 3 hours every day for a week, and then 6 hours the 8th day, it does this.


So the average is 3.375

If thats how they calculate it then its not that accurate, and why even calculate it if thats the case then these charts and whatnot are bull. If thats how Nintendo channel does things then its more like a PR ploy to show that there Wii games are played more than accurate data.


hrs played/length of time= average hours played over length of time.

You guys are confusing. how can you play 1 hour a day of wii sports and then nintendo tracks it as 30 minutes a day, and then if you play 5 hours it is tracked as an hour. this makes no sense.


No, everything is tracked in minutes. But if it is more than 6 hours, it is counted as 6 hours. The Nintendo channel does it correctly, but someone must have told Yushire differently.

BTW, your sentence sort of sums everything up.

"No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title."

Well done.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Not only is the title misleading it is actually false. Those numbers clearly indicate that a large percentage of Wii consoles are seeing significantly little play time. Six days a month at less then two hours per session. That is on par with family game night, or average movie rentals. I am not say all Wii owners neglect their console. I am entirely guilty of this. However that makes the numbers seem even worse.

You may have a small contingent of heavy users, but they are being swarmed by a number of users that may use the console one or two days a month, and perhaps many of them just spike in accord with game rentals every couple of months. These numbers debunk no myth. They prove the myth is a reality.

What I find interesting is how many posters consider this as solid usage. I will typically use my 360 around sixteen hours a week, and will play four days a week. Doing the math I average four hours per session. Notice that is typical there are times where I hardly play my console for ten hours a week, but at others I may play my console closer to twenty five hours. Depending on releases and real life obligations.

Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.


Add me to this non-demographic. (I'm a 28 year old man.) Can't those of use who are insanely busy enjoy gaming too?

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.

The majority of wii owners was proven to be 18+ males at like 60% ownership or something.

Plus you just proved my point. In your household, your wii gets played 5mins-1 hour 10 times a month and 5 times a month by your daughter for 1 hour. that equals 15 times a month for about 20-30 minutes which is not what the chart shows.

15 times a month is already ~three times more than the chart shows. If you think you are in the majority, then there are a large percentage that do not play EVER. and hence why i said it proves the opposite.


Around the Network
yushire said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Where is this data from exactly? Just a survey?

 Just a survey its Neilsen after all,  I dont believe any of this  but its good for discussion anyway.. 

I view this like someone going up to people who eat oranges and saying "How often do you eat oranges?"

Depending on how the survey was conducted, these results could easily be meaningless (and they probably are).


theprof00 said:
Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.

The majority of wii owners was proven to be 18+ males at like 60% ownership or something.

Plus you just proved my point. In your household, your wii gets played 5mins-1 hour 10 times a month and 5 times a month by your daughter for 1 hour. that equals 15 times a month for about 20-30 minutes which is not what the chart shows.

15 times a month is already ~three times more than the chart shows. If you think you are in the majority, then there are a large percentage that do not play EVER. and hence why i said it proves the opposite.


Where did he say this?


"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

Dodece said:
Not only is the title misleading it is actually false. Those numbers clearly indicate that a large percentage of Wii consoles are seeing significantly little play time. Six days a week at less then two hours per session. That is on par with family game night, or average movie rentals. I am not say all Wii owners neglect their console. I am entirely guilty of this. However that makes the numbers seem even worse.

You may have a small contingent of heavy users, but they are being swarmed by a number of users that may use the console one or two days a month, and perhaps many of them just spike in accord with game rentals every couple of months. These numbers debunk no myth. They prove the myth is a reality.

What I find interesting is how many posters consider this as solid usage. I will typically use my 360 around sixteen hours a week, and will play four days a week. Doing the math I average four hours per session. Notice that is typical there are times where I hardly play my console for ten hours a week, but at others I may play my console closer to twenty five hours. Depending on releases and real life obligations.

It is actually 6 times a month

To the two people in the "demographic".

I meant to say 2 hours a day, 5 times a month.

those are unrealistic numbers. It is more likely that some people are playing 6 hours+, some people are playing and the m ajority of people are only playing 1 hour or less



lapsed_gamer said:
theprof00 said:
Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.

The majority of wii owners was proven to be 18+ males at like 60% ownership or something.

Plus you just proved my point. In your household, your wii gets played 5mins-1 hour 10 times a month and 5 times a month by your daughter for 1 hour. that equals 15 times a month for about 20-30 minutes which is not what the chart shows.

15 times a month is already ~three times more than the chart shows. If you think you are in the majority, then there are a large percentage that do not play EVER. and hence why i said it proves the opposite.


Where did he say this?


sorry it was a slight exaggeration.


theprof00 said:
Gamerace said:
theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, I only play for 5 minutes to 1 hour at a time to, but more like 10 times a month.

The majority of wii owners was proven to be 18+ males at like 60% ownership or something.

Plus you just proved my point. In your household, your wii gets played 5mins-1 hour 10 times a month and 5 times a month by your daughter for 1 hour. that equals 15 times a month for about 20-30 minutes which is not what the chart shows.

15 times a month is already ~three times more than the chart shows. If you think you are in the majority, then there are a large percentage that do not play EVER. and hence why i said it proves the opposite.


Okay this is all antidotal but:

My daughter has her OWN Wii.  She plays GH or DDR or HoTD maybe 5 times a month for about an hour.  Exactly as this data suggests.   Girls are at least 30% of Wii owners according to Nintendo and that percentage is growing.  DS is over 50% now.

My useage is similar except I'll go on binges with games like Fire Emblem which increases my time.  But many months this would be true of myself too, or would be if not for Wii Fit (30 minutes 4 times a week)

My friend (39) also plays about 5-10 times a month for about an hour.  I know because he almost exclusively plays online against me or my son.

My son is the heaviest user by far but he only plays SSBB or Mario Kart now either online against above friend or with his buddies at lunch or after school.   Wants a 360.

His friend owns a Wii sitting in a closet collecting dust as he plays his PS3 instead.

So yes there's some heavy users but they are balanced out by those Wii in the closet.  On avg, most Wii owners (totally not represented by VGChartz users) would follow what the data suggests (IMO).  And I don't see any problem with that since that would be the pattern of 90% of the population.