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Not only is the title misleading it is actually false. Those numbers clearly indicate that a large percentage of Wii consoles are seeing significantly little play time. Six days a month at less then two hours per session. That is on par with family game night, or average movie rentals. I am not say all Wii owners neglect their console. I am entirely guilty of this. However that makes the numbers seem even worse.

You may have a small contingent of heavy users, but they are being swarmed by a number of users that may use the console one or two days a month, and perhaps many of them just spike in accord with game rentals every couple of months. These numbers debunk no myth. They prove the myth is a reality.

What I find interesting is how many posters consider this as solid usage. I will typically use my 360 around sixteen hours a week, and will play four days a week. Doing the math I average four hours per session. Notice that is typical there are times where I hardly play my console for ten hours a week, but at others I may play my console closer to twenty five hours. Depending on releases and real life obligations.