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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii not collecting dust - myth debunked

Didn't we have charts like months ago where it showed the Wii was played much less than the PS3 and/or 360?

Where is the chart for the other 2?

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If your Wii isn't properly collecting dust, you should contact Nintendo. Their customer support is really good and they'll probably fix your dust collector for nothing.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

hentai_11 said:
You sadly can't compare it to other consoles. However you can compare the different months and you can easily see that the quote from Darren Williams is wrong.

"I think on one hand the Wii has become the most expensive board game on Earth - it's the kind of thing that families will play at Christmas, and probably won't play again throughout the remainder of the year."

Because if his quote was right, than December 2007 should have the highest values.

Thanks for this intresting stuff haxxiy.

What it does show though, is that the highest numbers are dec,jan,feb, march. 

March was super smash bros. and june was rock band, as well as ssbb for in 'Others'. Which shows that during holiday season, and when big games come out, minutes per day increases by about 5, and usage days increase by ~.6. the amount of sessions remains pretty constant although in november (SMG) it goes up maybe for sneak gaming, gaming before school or work, and then after work/school. The same is consistent for the Rock Band/Guitar Hero month in late June, moving into July.

If someone were really good with numbers you could decipher the rough average of gaming for SSBB and GH/RB and find what the hardcore gaming crowd was like for Wii, and then go on to figure out what was the actual time spent gaming for the normal population (wii owners minus GH/RB/SSBB owners) , and playing which games by using Oyvoyvoy's method. 

This graph does say a lot, but what I have failed to see was whether these numbers are worldwide or regional, it lacks explanation of the statistical methodology, and it doesn't show some other smaller stuff like what games they play mostly and stuff like that.

All in all though it's a good chart, there is a lot that can be learned from a chart like this. Depending on the pool, which wasn't mentioned, a couple extra minutes could roughly be thousands of hours more. In a chart like this a .1 could mean a lot or a little.

yushire said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
yushire said:


 If you play a game 3 hours a day then after a week you play the same game till 6 hours it still registers a 3 hours a day because its the average of your total play time get it?

No it doesn't.

If I play 3 hours every day for a week, and then 6 hours the 8th day, it does this.


So the average is 3.375

If thats how they calculate it then its not that accurate, and why even calculate it if thats the case then these charts and whatnot are bull. If thats how Nintendo channel does things then its more like a PR ploy to show that there Wii games are played more than accurate data.


hrs played/length of time= average hours played over length of time.

You guys are confusing. how can you play 1 hour a day of wii sports and then nintendo tracks it as 30 minutes a day, and then if you play 5 hours it is tracked as an hour. this makes no sense.


depending on the methodology this chart could be utter crap.
If this was done by survey it would be even worse.
In nov 2007, it shows sessions per day as 2.01 this means that everyone owning a wii turned on the wii and played twice with one out of a hundred people playing 3 times a day.
Those numbers don't seem accurate because saying everyone plays twice a day is stupid. It is more possibly that 10% play maybe 10 times every 20 days 25% play ten times every 15 days 25% play once a day, 35% play 10 times every 5 days, 10% play 4+ times a day and like 5% play 10+times a day.

In which case, if this was done by survey, (again, lacking methodology for a chart is amazing) then people saying 10x a day is exaggerated

2.01 cannot be a true figure. Instead it can only be an increase of affinity or other such reason which would make people want to say that they played it more.

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Actually this confirms exactly what Sega A&R's head of content, Darren Williams was getting at. He was exaggerating of course but I still found his point clear. For most Wii owners Wii is something they do once in a while (like when friends come over or they have time to kill). Unlike HD console owners who play almost religiously and constantly have to have new games to sedate their appetite. I'm sure you'd find 360 players probably play something like 20-25 days a month instead of 5 for Wii.


Where is this data from exactly? Just a survey?

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.

theprof00 said:

I agree man. You cannot play 2 hours a day (average sessions per day x session length) only 5 days a month.

This kind of chart proves more of a relationship of 50% of owners playing for about 4+ hours a day and 50% of owners playing for 5 minutes a day.
with the first 50% playing multiple times a day, and 50 % never playing it at all.

I don't think that would have much to do with the console though. I'm sure numbers would be similar for other consoles.

No demographic plays 1 hour a day five times a month. I think this chart more than proves the opposite of this thread title.


 That is exactly how my daughter (who owns her own Wii) plays.  I'm sure most other girls too.   And they make up a sizable portion of Wii's ownership.   Actually, that's almost my useage pattern too if not for Wii Fit.


Words Of Wisdom said:
Where is this data from exactly? Just a survey?


 Just a survey its Neilsen after all,  I dont believe any of this  but its good for discussion anyway.. 

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out