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depending on the methodology this chart could be utter crap.
If this was done by survey it would be even worse.
In nov 2007, it shows sessions per day as 2.01 this means that everyone owning a wii turned on the wii and played twice with one out of a hundred people playing 3 times a day.
Those numbers don't seem accurate because saying everyone plays twice a day is stupid. It is more possibly that 10% play maybe 10 times every 20 days 25% play ten times every 15 days 25% play once a day, 35% play 10 times every 5 days, 10% play 4+ times a day and like 5% play 10+times a day.

In which case, if this was done by survey, (again, lacking methodology for a chart is amazing) then people saying 10x a day is exaggerated

2.01 cannot be a true figure. Instead it can only be an increase of affinity or other such reason which would make people want to say that they played it more.