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Forums - Sales Discussion - I am not a hater, but Wii is not moving software

fastyxx, you sure have a fighter's spirit, you're really fighting for what you believe in. I was expecting you to stop by now.

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It's ok to hate the wii. Everyone does.


@ jlauro
They sell it here in Lebanon for full price without a controller! Now thats crazy...

No major Wii releases?

Hearing this a lot recently.

Nintendo and third parties all expected Wii Music to dominate.

It didn't.

Now there is a void until Animal Crossing.

Still,there's always 2009..

PSN - hanafuda

wfz said:
fastyxx, you sure have a fighter's spirit, you're really fighting for what you believe in. I was expecting you to stop by now.

LOL.  I have nothing better to do?!?!?

No I just really do find it interesting on a bunch of levels.  And I am the person who tries to give my money to the devs that are trying new stuff.  I just bought No More Heroes yesterday for example - not from a used store, but a new copy.  I borrowed Crackdown and liked it so much I bought the DLC, even though I was giving back the game, because I felt like I should kick some money the devs' way.

People can hang out here and fight with each other all day, but we vote on the kind of content and games and experiences we want with our wallets.  It makes me just as mad when Braid doesn't get bought at $15 but some crappy port sells a billion at $10.


When Nintendo goes to WiiFit and WiiMusic and WiiBeachSports or whatever and DOESN'T announce new "hardcore" stuff or really throw a whole lot of ad/marketing muscle behind good 3rd party stuff, that's a concern for a gamer. 

Why did Xbox 1 end up being practically shooters/sports games only, toward the end?  Because that's what sold.  If cheap minigames sell, that's what people make.  If WRPG's sell, that's what they'll make.  Gaming, like TV or movies or any other entertainment medium, is a copycat business.

And if the market leader in consoles is selling annualized sequels like Guitar Hero and Legos (both of which I like - I'm not slagging) their first party stuff and shovelware in huge numbers, I just fear it's not a good trend to set.  And if the fanboys say "Yes, please.  Give me more."  Well, our hobby's in trouble.




And I'm drunk half the time.  LOL


Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

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The Wii is moving software.... END THREAD.

4 ≈ One

hanafuda said:
No major Wii releases?

Hearing this a lot recently.

Nintendo and third parties all expected to dominate.

It didn't.

Now there is a void until Animal Crossing.

Still,there's always 2009..


Nintendo are marketing geniuses. They could not release another game for another 6 months and wii would outsell the competition week in week out EVEN at a similar proce point(360 costs less than wii now). Just goes to show where the **** this industry is going.


hanafuda said:
No major Wii releases?

Hearing this a lot recently.

Nintendo and third parties all expected to dominate.

It didn't.

Now there is a void until Animal Crossing.

Still,there's always 2009..

Where did this come from? I'm not attacking or anything, I'm just wondering what games and what developers were expecting big sales. Considering almost every single 3rd part dev expected the Wii to fail (or not be very successful), it takes a while for them to start shifting their resources over. Yeah I know it's an old argument, but it's true. Look at the way 09 is turning out with releases so far, it looks great. Add that to the fact that Nintendo isn't announcing games too far in advance, and who knows what we might see next year!




fastyxx said:

@ Gnizmo

The only one wasting your time is you.  No one is forcing you to read or post anything.

Just because you disagree with my point of view does not mean you are correct.  And just because I have a (totally valid and data-supported) criticism of the Wii's ability to spin off quality,  critically and commercially successful 3rd party hits does not mean I hate your precious system.  I have one, and I support it, and I personally have raised both attach rates for it.

Quit stalking my posts, if you please.  Agree to disagree and move on.

I WANT the Wii to spin off some quality games that really do change gaming for the better.  Wii Play and Carnival Games ain't it.  The Wii has the opportunity to either expand gaming in creative, imaginative ways that are good for gaming; I'm hoping it's a platform that does it.  But until its users demand more than crappy ports and mini-game collections(however fun), it 's not going to happen.

 I assure I am neither wasting my time nor am I stalking you. I told you before and I will tell you again: everytime someone posts incorrect information I will correct it. You are commenting on games you have never played and know nothing about. This is extremely clear not only through your initial post, but your inability to refute anything I have said. You are welcome to agree to disagree with me, but that will require you to stop posting based on ignorance.

 Where is the data to support your theory exactly? I have never seen any. The Wii sells more third party software than the PS3, and is developing nicely to compete against the 360 eventually. If you want to complain there are no huge IPs in the genres you like on the Wii I will say nothing. I have nothign to say about that. If you say the third party software doesn't sell though I will be here with charts and graphs and numbers to tell you how you are wrong.

 The funniest part about this is when you start comparing games actually released on the various systems and the marketing budget behind each. The Wii can't sell software despite outselling the PS3 which has had Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassin's Creed, Deveilmay Cry 4, and a host of other huge third party franchises already released on it. You need a new talking point. This one has been proven wrong.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

wfz said:
hanafuda said:
No major Wii releases?

Hearing this a lot recently.

Nintendo and third parties all expected to dominate.

It didn't.

Now there is a void until Animal Crossing.

Still,there's always 2009..

Where did this come from? I'm not attacking or anything, I'm just wondering what games and what developers were expecting big sales. Considering almost every single 3rd part dev expected the Wii to fail (or not be very successful), it takes a while for them to start shifting their resources over. Yeah I know it's an old argument, but it's true. Look at the way 09 is turning out with releases so far, it looks great. Add that to the fact that Nintendo isn't announcing games too far in advance, and who knows what we might see next year!




I missed out the crucial part.. At first I almost thought there was an auto filter to remove, 'Wii Music' from posts

PSN - hanafuda