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Forums - General Discussion - does anyone have tips on how to sleep better

i have had alot of trouble sleeping latly any help


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Try drinking some tea with honey 30 minutes before you go to bed. It helps with me. I used to try sleeping pills too, there are some you can buy from organic food stores that really hit the spot.

I had problems sleeping due to anxiety so know how much it sucks not being able to , even if you really want to. Good luck.

Keeping a set schedule helps.

I work nights, so I have to force myself to sleep during the day which is no easy task.

When it's time to go to bed, turn everything off, lights, computers, tv. A lot of the time you think you're laying there longer than you really are, so if you physically get up you break your body attempting to slow down - unless it really starts to drag on (15 minutes +, then leave your room and don't go to bed unless you're tired.).

Also, save your bed (and your bed room if possible) for sleeping and sex only.


Good sleep hygiene:

* Stick to a regular bedtime schedule. Try to get out of bed at the same time each morning, even if it's a weekend or holiday.
* Avoid napping during the day.
* Avoid stressful activities and vigorous exercise for two hours before going to bed. Do exercise regularly, but earlier in the day.
* Before going to bed, try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.
* Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Use earplugs or eye shades if needed.
* Leave the bedroom if you can't sleep. Go into another room and read, or do something relaxing and quiet.
* Avoid substances that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, or diet pills.
* Avoid alcohol and nicotine before bed.


If your snoring is light, try these self-care techniques:

* Sleep on your side.
* Avoid alcohol, and don't smoke.
* Avoid sleeping pills and other sedatives.

* Eliminate or limit caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, and be sure to avoid using these substances late in the day or in the evening.
* Check all of your medicines with your doctor to see whether they are affecting your sleep. You may be able to adjust your prescriptions or schedule to avoid creating sleep problems.
* Keep established bedtimes and wake times, 7 days a week.
* Reserve the bed for sleeping and sex. Do your reading or TV watching in another room.
* Make exercise a regular part of your life, but don't do it within 4 hours of bedtime.
* Don't stay in bed longer than 8 hours, and try to avoid naps.
* Use the evening hours for settling down, and avoid challenging activities in the hours before bedtime.
* Eat meals at regularly scheduled times, and eliminate bedtime snacks, or have only light snacks near bedtime.
* When you are in bed, relax from head to toe, and guide your mind to pleasant thoughts.
* Get plenty of sunshine outdoors, particularly later in the afternoon.
* Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Try using a sleep mask and earplugs to help you sleep.
* Restrict nighttime liquid consumption, to reduce the need to get up to urinate, but don't go to bed thirsty.
* Avoid uneven noise (sometimes a steady "white noise" such a fan running can help), being too hot or too cold, and the bright lights of television or a computer screen during the late afternoon, evening, and night.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

sleeping pills

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"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Pills. I suffer from a lack of sleep some times to... when am at the computer and it's like 1:00 a.m. am tired... but the minute I go to my room and lay on my bed am wide awake....... I lay there and fall asleep after almost 2 hours.. then I have to wake up by 7 for school..... alot of the time am on the computer till 1:30 a.m. So I rarely get atleast 5 hours of sleep.....

I also remember staying awake for 3 days straight, I would spend my night watching Finding Nemo on DVD over and over again. ANd watching the extras.

[I love that movie for some reason :)]

4 ≈ One

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When you're under ~22, your sleep cycle is going to suck. It's just natural. No doctor should be giving sleeping pills to teens.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Here's a simple breathing exercise that might help. If it doesn't knock you out it'll at least really really relax you, which would make sleeping easier when mixed with any of the other responses you get:

Inhale for 1 second, exhale for 1 second.
Inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 2 seconds.
Inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 3 seconds.
etc. etc.

Keep doing that until you lose track of the numbers and just keep going. Some people use this to meditate, some use it to sleep.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Here's a simple breathing exercise that might help. If it doesn't knock you out it'll at least really really relax you, which would make sleeping easier when mixed with any of the other responses you get:

Inhale for 1 second, exhale for 1 second.
Inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 2 seconds.
Inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 3 seconds.
etc. etc.

Keep doing that until you lose track of the numbers and just keep going. Some people use this to meditate, some use it to sleep.


Am going to give that a shot right now. It's 12:55 a.m. right now and I have school tomorrow....

GoodNight everyone!

4 ≈ One

If you meditate and need a montra, you can use mine. It's Jai Ya. And don't worry, I'm not an East-Indian giver.

Also, I can't emphasize this enough, DIET and EXERCISE. If your not eating a proper balance of grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables and raising your heart rate at least 15 minutes per day then none of these things will work as well. Drugs should be a last resort and reserved for people who have tried everything else.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.