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Forums - Sales Discussion - Shouldn`t it be less then 2 mln. of Gears 2 on VGChartz first week?

ioi said:
what was the question exactly, i'm confused myself now?


Ok, ioi, Crazzyman has asked if VGChartz has shown favoritism to Gears 2, and here's his hypothesis:


He says that with the "2m+ sold" statement by MS or Epic(or whoever released it), might cover the entire weekend, 3 days, instead of 2. He believes that you might have added the extra day to buff Gears 2's numbers(because he assumes their "2m+" quote indicates that the game barely cracked 2m in all 3 days combined). This is according to his original and subsequent postings. It obviously never occoured to him that the quote might mean 2.3 million, or VGChartz might have actually been off by +- 10%, and he immediately jumed to the conclusion that the site "cheated" by adding an extra day, to reach the 2.1 million figure.

He then says that the site wasn't fair to LBP, because instead of adding the pre-release numbers and the actual release week, you seperated the two weeks. He believes that "Week 0" or the week before the official launch, where the game enjoyed a limited release, should be combined with the real week 1, to form some sort of super week 1. I'm not sure if he believes this would be cheating, but he believes that if his original Gears 2 assertion is correct, then LBP deserves equal cheating consideration, in the form of super week 1.


Now, of course, his questions, accusations, and especially his logic make absolutely no sense to me, what-so-ever, and I highly suspect it is the reason that he was face-palmed for the first half of this thread.

If I were you, boss, I wouldn't worry about addressing his concerns anymore than I had to.

...and yes, it's actually as confusing a question as I've ever had to paraphrase.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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alright this is what he is trying to say, both gears 2 and LBP had broken street dates and sold early. LBP sales before the release were counted as a 'week 0' while gears 2 was counted normally. all he wants is that LBP 'week 0' be erased and instead just added to its normal 'week 1' like gears 2 has been doing...atleast thats what i got from this whole thing

markers said:
alright this is what he is trying to say, both gears 2 and LBP had broken street dates and sold early. LBP sales before the release were counted as a 'week 0' while gears 2 was counted normally. all he wants is that LBP 'week 0' be erased and instead just added to its normal 'week 1' like gears 2 has been doing...atleast thats what i got from this whole thing

Uh, really? I've never heard of Gears 2 having it's street date broken. Guess I'm out of the loop.


Well, it would make it even more impressive for GoW if it were only two days (Sundays are "closed shops"-days over here).

So Crazzyman is feeding the "omfg, GoW rocks"-hype? :p

This crazy guy is funny

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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ioi responded. End of thread.

I didn't realize Crazzyman still posts here. Its unfortunate that he does. I'll say the same thing I said in other thread. There plenty of games out on the PS3 now. Play them and stop making nonsensical threads. It's petty and ridiculous. Plus you make reasonable PS3 owners look bad by association.

is CrazzyMan just jelous that this game is not on ps3?

is CrazzyMan just jelous that this game is not on ps3?

markers said:
alright this is what he is trying to say, both gears 2 and LBP had broken street dates and sold early. LBP sales before the release were counted as a 'week 0' while gears 2 was counted normally. all he wants is that LBP 'week 0' be erased and instead just added to its normal 'week 1' like gears 2 has been doing...atleast thats what i got from this whole thing


Where did you string that from? Gears 2 street date wasn't broken .. read Zens post he explains it better ;)