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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will 2009 define the ps3's fortunes?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Gamerace said:
I agree and disagree. 2009 will define the PS3 as 3rd years typically are the peak for consoles. And while there are some excellent games coming out in '09 they are the wrong type of games.

The reason the PS3 is no PS2 sales-wise isn't because it's lacking in exciting racers and action games, that was true somewhat going into '08 but not now going into '09 - there's great games now, it's because it's lacking everything else.

People who want those types of games largely have already gotten a PS3 or 360. GoW and GT5 will definately cause a boost to hardware but it'll be the same boost that PS3 got from MSG4 and other great games this year - shortlived. GT5 would be a great boon in Europe but PS3 already sales well there. The only game that might make a substained improvement in sales is FFXIII in Japan and to a lesser extent elsewhere. But if 360 and Wii continue to get the bulk of JRPG games announced for their system between now and then, I just don't know how many JRPG fans will buy PS3 for just FFXIII.

PS2 sold so well because it had games for everyone, kids, girls, casuals. None of these games will do a damn thing to win any of that audience back to Sony. And without them the PS3 remains locked in a blood bath with the 360 for a distant second. Price is another major factor. It can't continue to be $200 more than the lowend 360 and hope to win.


 God of War 3 will cap at 3 million. It's not a console pusher. Gran Turismo 5 is a console pusher for the PS3, so just wait for that. I agree with the last paragraph so I wont speak on that.  


Definately agree with that.

Just look at the latest Japan sales of GT5:p Spec III, Bigger than LBP, and probably moved more systems being bundled and all, and technically it's just an update of a months old mini-game!

When the full version hits, fireworks will happen.

At least in Japan


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Game quality will be important.

The PS3 needs another blockbuster as soon as possible.

woopah said:
360: next year will define whether its past its peak

PS3: will define if Sony can claim 2nd place/ become a monster of a first party

wii: will define wether the system is remeber for some great exclusives or being casual crap


first let me say that if recent comments by ms (100 million 360) are to be believed, this generation will  last at least to 2012 if not slightly longer, this is good for the industry, good for 3rd party devs, and the balance of sales this gen helps that.

now taking that into account 

360: 2010 will define its peak expect a modest growth for the year next year on the order of 10% 

ps3: i now move this back to 2010, prior to ms comments i felt the same. but if ms want to drag out the gen, that gives sony an advantage. this advantage does require them to make blueray overcome dvd, and to out sell the 360 yearly by 1million+ starting in 2010

wii. I agree. they also are not effected by the MS/Sony generational war, outside of certain titles not coming to the wii

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Spankey said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Gamerace said:
I agree and disagree. 2009 will define the PS3 as 3rd years typically are the peak for consoles. And while there are some excellent games coming out in '09 they are the wrong type of games.

The reason the PS3 is no PS2 sales-wise isn't because it's lacking in exciting racers and action games, that was true somewhat going into '08 but not now going into '09 - there's great games now, it's because it's lacking everything else.

People who want those types of games largely have already gotten a PS3 or 360. GoW and GT5 will definately cause a boost to hardware but it'll be the same boost that PS3 got from MSG4 and other great games this year - shortlived. GT5 would be a great boon in Europe but PS3 already sales well there. The only game that might make a substained improvement in sales is FFXIII in Japan and to a lesser extent elsewhere. But if 360 and Wii continue to get the bulk of JRPG games announced for their system between now and then, I just don't know how many JRPG fans will buy PS3 for just FFXIII.

PS2 sold so well because it had games for everyone, kids, girls, casuals. None of these games will do a damn thing to win any of that audience back to Sony. And without them the PS3 remains locked in a blood bath with the 360 for a distant second. Price is another major factor. It can't continue to be $200 more than the lowend 360 and hope to win.


God of War 3 will cap at 3 million. It's not a console pusher. Gran Turismo 5 is a console pusher for the PS3, so just wait for that. I agree with the last paragraph so I wont speak on that.


Definately agree with that.

Just look at the latest Japan sales of GT5:p Spec III, Bigger than LBP, and probably moved more systems being bundled and all, and technically it's just an update of a months old mini-game!

When the full version hits, fireworks will happen.

At least in Japan


I will sell, but will it push consoles. They are two different things. The small instal base may buy the game, accoundting for high sales, but none outside the PS3 circle may buy it.


There is no "king" Hate posts that sounds so bias and stupid.

Anyways 2009 can bring PS3 up equally to 360 but nothing amazing will happen. And people still posting all this "all it needs is a pricecut" shut up. If everything in the world got pricecut everything in the world would sell more.

PS3 is still fighting on uphill battle. The cost and those few games you mentioned arent enough for it to surpass 360. At best by end of 09 PS3/360 will be around equal to each other.

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2009 will mark the return of the king, all the ps3 needs is a price cut that is all!