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woopah said:
360: next year will define whether its past its peak

PS3: will define if Sony can claim 2nd place/ become a monster of a first party

wii: will define wether the system is remeber for some great exclusives or being casual crap


first let me say that if recent comments by ms (100 million 360) are to be believed, this generation will  last at least to 2012 if not slightly longer, this is good for the industry, good for 3rd party devs, and the balance of sales this gen helps that.

now taking that into account 

360: 2010 will define its peak expect a modest growth for the year next year on the order of 10% 

ps3: i now move this back to 2010, prior to ms comments i felt the same. but if ms want to drag out the gen, that gives sony an advantage. this advantage does require them to make blueray overcome dvd, and to out sell the 360 yearly by 1million+ starting in 2010

wii. I agree. they also are not effected by the MS/Sony generational war, outside of certain titles not coming to the wii

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