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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gears of War 2 is a disappointment (in some respects)

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I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

The story is there to get the job done, same as it is in Die Hard or Bad Boys. Think about this.

War is usually fought for stupid reasons anyway, why do you expect some deep twisted story from a war film or game? The most you can do is have a relation to the characters and what they are fighting for (for which will change person to person). Gears 2 did a great job of providing a story for a game hell bent on war and destruction.

People need to learn that not all games are rated so highly for having intricate stories. I am so glad that Gears didnt have some MGS style story because it just would not fit. Epic did a great job and provided a story and game that was an adreneline ride to the end.

If I wanted a complex story I'll play MGS4.

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DTG said:
rocketpig said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
This game thrives on it's non-stop action, cheesy one-liners, and pure-sugarcoated-candy-for-the-eyeballs graphical prowess! The biggest complaint from the last game was not enough story explaining the locusts, and the characters backgrounds. The give this title 3 times the story of the last, and people still complain. You cant please everyone, that's just the nature of things. I loved the story and the game-play. Personally, this game did everything right by me...XD.

See, that's where I disagree. Some things just aren't important. Where the locust comes from isn't important IMO. All I cared about is that they were there and that they needed to die... violently. I hate the notion that everything needs to be explained for a story to work. Sometimes it's just clutter that gets in the way and I wish more directors/producers would realize that. Stick to your core story and leave some bits out there for the imagination to do its work.

It works time and time again, yet I see few people utilize it well. Children of Men is a prime example. The fact that they didn't explain why no one could become pregnant almost became its own story through background elements. It added an extra layer of depth to an already complex piece that didn't need to be explained because it wasn't part of their retelling of the Nativity Story. If anything, it would have detracted from and distracted the film from its primary focus.

Not that I'm comparing Children of Men to any video game... I just wanted to point out that not everything needs to be explained and sometimes, it's best to let people try to figure out things for themselves. In a world empty of explanation, people tend to fabricate their own truths and, in turn, they make the piece their own. That's what it's all about, isn't it?



CoM is one of my favorite movies so I appove that example. The problem isn't the plot holes, the problem is the atrocious voice acting. VG budgets are in the several dozen millions but developers cannot afford a decent voice actor for their games? How are games supposed to move in to the territory of "art" or evolve as a powerful storytelling medium if even the VA's of our biggest budget games are so atrociously untrained? Dialogue and narrative is one thing, a decent writer (albeit, GoW2's writer is obviously not one of them) can do wonders in that respect, but without decent VA talent what's the point? It's going to be diluted anyway.

Voice acting is seriously lacking in videogames. I don't know why some developers feel it isn't part of their budget needs, but it should be.

Look at Heavenly Sword. That game was successful largely because Andy Serkis was fucking brilliant as Bohan. The rest of the game is pretty mediocre - other than Aftertouch - and even the story is rather dull. Anna Torv also did a pretty good job as Nariko. Without that voice acting, that game would have dropped way down in my eyes.

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@ selnor

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

Wow comparing Gears 1 with Die Hard.... I don't agree one bit...

I would rather compare Gears 1's acting performances to the A-Team's BA instead. I think the game is most geared at a similar age group as well. IMO the "hero" certainly is no James Bond, Solid Snake or John McClain...

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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MikeB said:

@ selnor

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

Wow comparing Gears 1 with Die Hard.... I don't agree one bit...

I would rather compare Gears 1's acting performances to the A-Team's BA instead. I think the game is most geared at a similar age group as well. IMO the "hero" certainly is no James Bond, Solid Snake or John McClain...

I cant help but be suspect about you being in this thread. After all the threads saying how Gears 2 is a bloody awesome game and it's the leader in graphics for consoles at this moment in time. You show up in the only thread for Gears 2 with the word dissapointment in it. Hmmmm.

Anyways your allowed your opinion. But I strongly disagree. Gears and Die Hard are very similar. Both cliche, both have corny one liners and both have corny VA. Thats the beauty.


DTG said:

First of all this isn't a thread about the gameplay or online. Rather it is about the storyline, dialogue and voice acting.

Cliff and friends drew comparisons between GoW2's narrative and that of the Dark Knight, even saying that "they are working with those people" (TDK) to bring certain depth and relevancy to GoW2's narrative. Now frankly that's not saying much considering the fact that TDK is no Shakespeare either but GoW2 narrative is absolutely clumsy. We have cheesy, melodramatic moments mixed with testosterone fueled one liners, a pseudo-deep narration that tries too hard to be something that it isnt. The voice acting is so godawful that just that fact in itself would warrant a straight to dvd release if this were a movie.

I'll admit that gow2's storyline is lightyears ahead of the original but in 2008 that's just not enough. How can a big budget HD game in this day and age afford voice acting that would be the laughing stock of hollywood cinema and very clumsily handled dialogue? The gameplay is solid and very polished but the rather serious flaws in narration make me question how this game could recieve anything more than a 8.2-8.5 from reviewer.

I swear that you have to be a troll. You just described MGS4.

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"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

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I agree with Selnor, I wouldn't want to mix MGS and Gears. I'd rather seperate my philosophy lessons and brain dead fun when you blow people into pieces. Both are great. However, I do disagree that Gears 2's story is good because it's in a game that doesn't need one. Just because the story should suck doesn't mean that a sucky story automatically becomes good. But like I said, you shouldn't play gears for the story just like you shouldn't see die hard for it's story. you see it for the action, because frankly, we all like to blow shit up.

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selnor said:
MikeB said:

@ selnor

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

Wow comparing Gears 1 with Die Hard.... I don't agree one bit...

I would rather compare Gears 1's acting performances to the A-Team's BA instead. I think the game is most geared at a similar age group as well. IMO the "hero" certainly is no James Bond, Solid Snake or John McClain...

I cant help but be suspect about you being in this thread. After all the threads saying how Gears 2 is a bloody awesome game and it's the leader in graphics for consoles at this moment in time. You show up in the only thread for Gears 2 with the word dissapointment in it. Hmmmm.

Anyways your allowed your opinion. But I strongly disagree. Gears and Die Hard are very similar. Both cliche, both have corny one liners and both have corny VA. Thats the beauty.

I haven't played Gears 2 and I doubt I will ever play it enough (if at all) to provide a proper full perspective on the sequel. But I have finished Gears 1, back then I stated Gears 1 was visually impressive, but IMO it was very lacking in terms of depth and had many other weak points which IMO didn't justify its hype. I imagine Gears 2 is visually an improvement over Gears 1, I wasn't commenting on that at all.


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:

@ selnor

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

Wow comparing Gears 1 with Die Hard.... I don't agree one bit...

I would rather compare Gears 1's acting performances to the A-Team's BA instead. I think the game is most geared at a similar age group as well. IMO the "hero" certainly is no James Bond, Solid Snake or John McClain...

I cant help but be suspect about you being in this thread. After all the threads saying how Gears 2 is a bloody awesome game and it's the leader in graphics for consoles at this moment in time. You show up in the only thread for Gears 2 with the word dissapointment in it. Hmmmm.

Anyways your allowed your opinion. But I strongly disagree. Gears and Die Hard are very similar. Both cliche, both have corny one liners and both have corny VA. Thats the beauty.

I haven't played Gears 2 and I doubt I will ever play it enough (if at all) to provide a proper full perspective on the sequel. But I have finished Gears 1, back then I stated Gears 1 was vissually impressive, but IMO it was very lacking in terms of depth and had many other weak points which IMO didn't justify its hype. I imagine Gears 2 is vissually an improvement over Gears 1, I wasn't commenting on that at all.


I think you missed the point of what I was saying. After all the threads praising the game (prob 20 or more) you enter the first that doesnt and you didnt enter any of the others.

But then Story is Gears weakest point (if you call it that). Everything else in Gears 2 is brilliant. Level design, Production, graphics, AI, Multiplayer and pure gobsmacking wow power. It truly is a breathtaking game. Which is why it's my top game this gen. And as I said before, it's better than any Halo game in my opinion. (And I'm a huge Halo fan. You should see my Halo collection).


@ Selnor

I think you missed the point of what I was saying. After all the threads praising the game (prob 20 or more) you enter the first that doesnt and you didnt enter any of the others.

What do you want me to state in those Gears 2 praising threads while I haven't played the game?

I did however watch some Gears 2 cutscenes and its ending on youtube, IMO very similar weak points as the orignal.

Multiplayer and pure gobsmacking wow power. It truly is a breathtaking game.

I can't comment on Gears 2, but I found the 4 vs 4 Gears 1 battles quite limiting and not worthy of the hype.

Which is why it's my top game this gen. And as I said before, it's better than any Halo game in my opinion. (And I'm a huge Halo fan. You should see my Halo collection).

I am not a Halo fan at all. Found Halo 3 to be massively overhyped as well.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

What it seems like Epic was trying to do with Gears, was take it into the "epic saga" realm that worked commercially for the Halo franchise. Considering that it is taking the place of the Halo franchise this year as MSG Studios halo game, it's fairly easy to understand why.

The whole idea to differentiate Gears 2 from the original was to step everything up a notch. It seemed to me like that was their primary mission statement rather than to create an entirely new experience. And if the latter was the goal, then I'd have to say they missed the mark. But, no point in messing with a working formula.

Visually, while improved over the original, the difference isn't nearly as radical as the pre-hype made it out to be. Much improved lighting and less blobbish texturing that still doesn't hold up under close scrutiny (even on the character models).

I found the whole "humanistic" element of the Gears 2 plot to be contrived and misplaced. So it inevitably showed in the voice acting. Yes, it's a fact that most military personal have spouses or at least SOs left behind during combat deployments, but no, it's not something that keeps them from focusing on anything other than the mission at hand. For a story about a group of 'roided up killing machines, I found the whole "softer side of Dom" sub-plot to be offputting.

Gears was born as a straight action franchise with a simple, kill the alien invaders under overwhelming odds plot. No need to try and make it anything more complex than that. It's pretty hard to explore the soldier's dilemna/angst over killing a whole lot of people when those "people" are giant, hulking monsters hell bent on wiping out humanity.

No point in making any film comparisons either. It is what it is. And I've seen more than my share of bad movies that rival the worst and thinnest of video game plots to say that the comparison is pretty pointless. I've practically turned watching really bad movies into a hobby. The kind that are so bad, it makes one wonder how they were ever even green-stamped in the first place.

Personally, I blame MST3K.