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Enter thread again. LOL

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

The story is there to get the job done, same as it is in Die Hard or Bad Boys. Think about this.

War is usually fought for stupid reasons anyway, why do you expect some deep twisted story from a war film or game? The most you can do is have a relation to the characters and what they are fighting for (for which will change person to person). Gears 2 did a great job of providing a story for a game hell bent on war and destruction.

People need to learn that not all games are rated so highly for having intricate stories. I am so glad that Gears didnt have some MGS style story because it just would not fit. Epic did a great job and provided a story and game that was an adreneline ride to the end.

If I wanted a complex story I'll play MGS4.