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MikeB said:
selnor said:
MikeB said:

@ selnor

I will just point out, There is absolutely nothing wrong with either Gears 1 or 2 story. I can bet that every person saying Gears story sucks are the same people that miss the point of why Die Hard 1-4 are so good. It isnt meant to make philosophy turn in it's grave.

Wow comparing Gears 1 with Die Hard.... I don't agree one bit...

I would rather compare Gears 1's acting performances to the A-Team's BA instead. I think the game is most geared at a similar age group as well. IMO the "hero" certainly is no James Bond, Solid Snake or John McClain...

I cant help but be suspect about you being in this thread. After all the threads saying how Gears 2 is a bloody awesome game and it's the leader in graphics for consoles at this moment in time. You show up in the only thread for Gears 2 with the word dissapointment in it. Hmmmm.

Anyways your allowed your opinion. But I strongly disagree. Gears and Die Hard are very similar. Both cliche, both have corny one liners and both have corny VA. Thats the beauty.

I haven't played Gears 2 and I doubt I will ever play it enough (if at all) to provide a proper full perspective on the sequel. But I have finished Gears 1, back then I stated Gears 1 was vissually impressive, but IMO it was very lacking in terms of depth and had many other weak points which IMO didn't justify its hype. I imagine Gears 2 is vissually an improvement over Gears 1, I wasn't commenting on that at all.


I think you missed the point of what I was saying. After all the threads praising the game (prob 20 or more) you enter the first that doesnt and you didnt enter any of the others.

But then Story is Gears weakest point (if you call it that). Everything else in Gears 2 is brilliant. Level design, Production, graphics, AI, Multiplayer and pure gobsmacking wow power. It truly is a breathtaking game. Which is why it's my top game this gen. And as I said before, it's better than any Halo game in my opinion. (And I'm a huge Halo fan. You should see my Halo collection).