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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is it possible to make one game that nobody dislikes?

This isn't just true for video games. It true for most things in life. Except things like water, and, you know, air.

and parfaits.

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that game is called life--because you would have killed yourself if you are honest about disliking your life.

even then you can argue there are people who just don't the physical capacity to commit suicide... but presumably, if they are capable of answering that question, they have the means to kill themselves. if they can't, they're not trying hard enough.

okay, don't take that too seriously now!

the Wii is an epidemic.

This is a stupid question. There isn't one thing in this world that everyone likes, why would there be one game, even a classic one?

You may love SMB3 and remember playing it ground up, but show it to a 12 year old who's never played a 2D platformer and only PS2 games, they may think it's the most boring thing ever.

Super Mario 64 may be one of the greatest games ever that you think every gamer who plays in 3D place should love, but the Madden nuts might hate it (and despite what you think, just because you don't like the game doesn't make them not gamers).

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was a fantastic game that will probably never see a better, but what does that matter to people that don't like Zelda games.

Halo was supposed to be the game revolutionized FPS controls on a console but not nearly everyone likes it.

God of War was a fun game but many people found the gameplay dull and repetitive.

Street Fighter II is supposed to be the best fighting game ever but there are a good deal of people that just plain hate it. 

I'd say Tetris or Wii Sports.

 Honestly, who could hate Wii Sports?

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

A lot of people

btw, silversen, oxygen ftw

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There will never be a game that everyone likes. I couldn't imagine one anyways. What would it be?

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

Silversen said:
This isn't just true for video games. It true for most things in life. Except things like water, and, you know, air.

and parfaits.

People that are afraid of swimming don't like water. And what about air pollution? That's when people don't like air. I don't think there is a single thing in existence that everyone likes. It's kind of sad when you think about it.

It's impossible to make a game that nobody hates because everbody doesn't judge a game based soley on how good it is.

There are some people that will hate a game because it's popular even if they actually like it. What people consider overhype and overpopularity will turn people off a game they find fun to play.

naznatips said:
Well I don't think it's possible, however I have never met someone who played Beyond Good and Evil and disliked it.

Too bad there's way too many people that didn't play it. It's only major disadvantage was that it was just too short of a game. Give me a sequel that I can put 50 hrs into.

To cash in my CC rewards points for $300 in Circuit City gift cards to purchase a 360 or not: That is the question.

ArtofAngels said:
Never met anyone who doesn't like Guitar Hero.

 I Hate Guitar Hero.....Boring and pluse it gives me a headache