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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Famitsu: The Last Remnant Scores 38/40, upto 80 hours long

Bagaren85 said:
Lost Odyssey: 33/40

No. Its was higher, i remember

That's what Famitsu 360 gave LO.  The real Famitsu gave LO a 36/40


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nice, will get this game for sure. lost odyssey and blue dragon are not the hrs u are saying above. lost odyssey if u do everything including the dlc, will put u over 90+ hrs and getting everything and hitting everyone at lev99 in blue dragon will take u well over 110+ hrs and same for tales of vesperia.





I will be getting Persona 4 instead. But if OXM's score is any indication, it is definitely worth atleast renting. I might rent it(or maybe buy a used copy) at some point.

hey guys.


i have a problem - i dont know what to do now -.-

after rush left david and co to find Irina on his own..... what should i do now? im in Celapaleis (or so), but i cant find something that would help me to continue the story, im so lost =/


can someone help?


I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

I don't think any VGC-ers have bought the game yet. Any impressions from your playthrough..Other than getting stuck?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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i think my english knowledge is to bad, to explain something. <.< ... it would confuse you all.


this review is what i would try to tell:;jsessionid=bcc03eivcbqn


i would just add the follow things:

- looks like Lost Odyssey - but it has the same problems.  framerate problems. (in fights and scenes.) ..(and ugly "plopping textures", when you enter an area, just like UT3 if it says something to you.)

- the battle system is much more simple than you maybe think - there are "groups",  but you use "groups" like normal partymembers.. , gibe rush any order, and he attacks with four other persons. (his group) then group B starts. tell (maybe) Emma (leader of B) to heal - and the entire group does the same. so you have to think there are 3 chracters with living equip called group xD...

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

oh im playing it now.

You might need to go to the Warriors Honor in Virtus Parish and start a quest there.. there are two guys (and I think one of them is gay) talk to them to get info.

Look around this bar there are several new NPCs with quests you should do.. the first being this lady



As for the game.. Well I wasn't too keen on it at first but its starting to grow on me.. I think if you like Lost Odyssey you would probably like this too.

The battles.. .(you know in LO when you have to time the ring RT to get a perfect to do critical attack) well that is in here but its much trickier as you might have to perfectly time a button press that could appear on: ( X, Y, A, B, RT) ..

The game is deceptively very old skool..but with "current gen" graphics.. even though their is slowdown it seems as though its done on purpose.. there are cut scenes that have hundreds of characters onscreen and it barely slows down yet there are scenes where even with just a few characters the framerate stutters.. it also stutters a lot in battle when there is a lot of characters loading up/appearing on screen and I think this is due to data loading up.. even via HDD.

Texture pop up is typical of the unreal engine and even with the install its still noticable.. infact the only benefit you will gain with the HDD install is increased loading and quieter 360.. Playing TLR normally well this is one of those games that puts the dvd drive into rocket overdrive (like Mass Effect, Fable 2 etc)

The main character.. Rush Sykes I find really annoying but i suppose he's gonna grow into a better person as the story progresses...  and the way he runs.. Its like a little japanese guy in a Western body... >.>  well.. I guess you have to see it yourself..

His voice along with David and Emma take some time getting used too especially since David talks with an english cockney accent.. >.>


Again.. this is starting to grow on me despite the faults...  and as mentioned this will appeal to the old skool / Lost Odyssey crowd.  It will confuse you at first especially the battle but later on I can tell they are gonna be a blast despite the turn based system.  The buttom timing thing that seems to randomly appear during physical attacks adds to that "keeps you on your toes" feel.


Oh one last thing a bonus is that you can save your data almost anytime except during battles.

piggychan said:


You might need to go to the Warriors Honor in Virtus Parish and start a quest there.. there are two guys (and I think one of them is gay) talk to them to get info.Again.. this is starting to grow on me despite the faults...  and as mentioned this will appeal to the old skool / Lost Odyssey crowd.  It will confuse you at first especially the battle but later on I can tell they are gonna be a blast despite the turn based system.  The buttom timing thing that seems to randomly appear during physical attacks adds to that "keeps you on your toes" feel.


Oh one last thing a bonus is that you can save your data almost anytime except during battles.

thats what i like to hear thanks :D, mine was posted yesterday hasnt arrived yet, cant wait to play it considering my favourite rpg atm is LO.


Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)

oh forgot to ask did you try HDD install using NXE? are the framerate texture pop issues still there?

Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)

Mr_Tee_ said:
oh forgot to ask did you try HDD install using NXE? are the framerate texture pop issues still there?

I can answer this via reading other posts concerning TLR:

Installing on the HDD does not fix the framerate, texture pops, and the like. However, it does help them a decent bit, as it did with Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect (both UE3 RPGs).

Oh hey - that makes me think - This is now the 3rd RPG made with UE3!


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.