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i think my english knowledge is to bad, to explain something. <.< ... it would confuse you all.


this review is what i would try to tell:;jsessionid=bcc03eivcbqn


i would just add the follow things:

- looks like Lost Odyssey - but it has the same problems.  framerate problems. (in fights and scenes.) ..(and ugly "plopping textures", when you enter an area, just like UT3 if it says something to you.)

- the battle system is much more simple than you maybe think - there are "groups",  but you use "groups" like normal partymembers.. , gibe rush any order, and he attacks with four other persons. (his group) then group B starts. tell (maybe) Emma (leader of B) to heal - and the entire group does the same. so you have to think there are 3 chracters with living equip called group xD...

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!