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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

I dont know. I think it's bad. But then well I just dont know. R2 and LBP have both kinda bombed.

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Hmm, if you combine Week 0 and 1 LBP sales did it outsell R2?

I thought this game would do a little better than this.

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flagship said:
Bad, mainly because Sony needs a big hit to help drive holiday sales and R2 and LBP are barely treading water in the US.

Otherwise it's a perfectly respectable first week, expecting AAA title to shoot the moon is unrealistic.


I don't think this is a AAA title. It wasn't advertised enough, it didn't sell enough, and it didn't get reviewed high enough to be compared to your average AAA title.

I mean, a lot of people would argue that Fable 2 isn't a AAA title, but it'll sell much more, is reviewed higher, and was not necessarily advertised more heavily, but it had better ads in the US, at least, lol.

I guess everyone determines their own AAA titles though.

I'm starting to get the feeling that outside of our little world here on the interent, not many people had R2 on their radar, much less at the head of their holiday purchase list. :P


Not meeting everyone's expectations is not bombing.


The real issue with R2 numbers is LBP is supposed to be the European crowned king this holiday, and R2 is for the US, I would assume, since it's a FPS, but I guess it was just going up against tough competition, with a relatively small US userbase. :P

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No game will be able to highly increase sales in europe and in the US. Don't forget the price, no matter what great games will be released, till the ps3 costs 399$/€, it won't sell like hot cakes.

Tremble said:
No game will be able to highly increase sales in europe and in the US. Don't forget the price, no matter what great games will be released, till the ps3 costs 399$/€, it won't sell like hot cakes.


Good point, however, very few of the Gears 2 purchasers bought 360s with them. I think it's just that 360 owners like to buy software, lol, and they spoil us with unbelievable numbers, so when we see respectable numbers, we think they seem low.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
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Only new release to me that looks AAA is Fallout 3.

Zen is right. R2 isn't even close to AAA status. I think it sold just as well as it should have. It took a long time for the first resistance to sell the way it did, and that was with bundles. In NA it took like a year for it to reach 1m sold. So 300k first week here is great.

Yeah but you cannot compare GoW2 with R2 in terms of sales. they're not playing in the same league. Only a few games can compete with it, I'm thinking about final fantasy, gran turismo and GTA. But talking about the price again, it really is a barrier. When friends come home playing ps3, I ask them if they plan to get one soon and the answer is the same: "I want one, but 400€ is way to expensive, I'm waiting for a 100-150€ price drop".

A similar price drop will have more effect than all the resistance, killzone little big planet or whatever.

Iori Yagami said:
Only new release to me that looks AAA is Fallout 3.

Zen is right. R2 isn't even close to AAA status. I think it sold just as well as it should have. It took a long time for the first resistance to sell the way it did, and that was with bundles. In NA it took like a year for it to reach 1m sold. So 300k first week here is great.

Oh, Fallout 3 is my GotY. better than anything I've played, including LBP, MGS4, and Gears 2.


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It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
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Tremble said:
Yeah but you cannot compare GoW2 with R2 in terms of sales. they're not playing in the same league. Only a few games can compete with it, I'm thinking about final fantasy, gran turismo and GTA. But talking about the price again, it really is a barrier. When friends come home playing ps3, I ask them if they plan to get one soon and the answer is the same: "I want one, but 400€ is way to expensive, I'm waiting for a 100-150€ price drop".

A similar price drop will have more effect than all the resistance, killzone little big planet or whatever.


You're right, talking about hardware, Sony price dropping hardware would increase userbase and hardware sales.

....however, comparing software between the PS3 and 360 is nearly a fair comparison.

These games were supposed to be their big holiday games, for each console. Each game hyped to hell, each game part 2 of a successful franchise.

I don't understand why you wouldn't compare these games, saleswise. They are, for all intents and purposes, the direct competitors for largest exclusive, hyped, console games this holiday season, 360 vs PS3. I can't really see an advantage Gears 2 had, besides review scores and userbase, both of which aren't huge differences, or at least aren't huge enough to account for the sales gap.

Why did Gears 2 dominate?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
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Because the community is different. For instance, I don't think that GoW would be so huge if it was released only on ps3. Contrario, TLR and IU would have sold more if it was released only on ps3... The point is that we always say that there is two camps: the HD one, and the wii one, but in fact, HD camp is split into two different way of thinking.