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Squilliam said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
Ail said:
trestres said:
Ohh the bitterness in Ail is just hilarious lol :P

Btw you are posting right now! Go play your games, you won't have enough time, right?


 I can't bring my console to work or I would :((((

I'm not bitter, the success of the Wii hasn't affected my gaming at all and I'm not the one making bitter thread about the lack of releases on my consoles or the poor quality of third party software...


I am forced to offer my +1 manship. The Wii may have a large market share, but I doubt it has more than 1/3rd of the market I actually care about.

         The PC market??? Ofcourse, not. Not yet, but wait until they start releasing killer application "games" like, "Pokemon PowerPoint", "Mario PhotoShop", "Wii Word". Then, you're going to see some crazzy:):):):):):) John Lucas like sales.

         Maybe you don't care, but I happen to enjoy both casual and core games. Most normal gamers do, unlike diehard fanboys, that only care about brand image and snobcore gollums that are too far removed from the real world to see the light; that social gaming just might be fun. A type of fun that doesn't require investing constant meaningless devotion and sacrificing any existence of a personal life, but to each his own.



I personally don't care about Wii Fit (Though I own and continue to use it) Wii Sports (Always bundled) Wii Play (I even own this, was going to buy a controller but it was only $10 more) nor Links Xbow training (Another hardware bundle). I also definately don't care about another 100 or so releases which don't cater to me personally.

Just so I don't sound like a complete Wii hater to you, im personally very interested in sales of Mario Kart (Which I do admit I have yet to get for myself) and SSBB (for which I just purchased a GC controller for)

Btw Social game is fun, you should find out the joys of stomping your neighbour into oblivion in a multiplayer GOW match, its also one franchise which should translate to Wii type controls very well if Microsoft should choose to go in that direction next generation (Which I hope they do)

         But why have any Wii hate at all? it's not like Nintendo killed your only son or left you marooned in a barren wasteland to die...


God Of War is going to have a verus mode?!?!? Hot damn!!! Oh wait! You mean Gears. Really? That was the best thing you could think of for multi-play? Not L4D, which btw pails in comparison to HL2. Well, you did say MP3 didn't interest you at all. That speaks volumes about your taste in fps gaming. The 1st Gears was fun, but it was more about the campaign for me. Even that seemed a little redundant. Gears2 is is   living up to a lot of what was promised with the 1st, but the duck and cover system lends itself more to single/co-op, if you ask me. I expect part 3 to really impress.

      "The joys of stomping your neighbor"... sure that's fun for awhile, when I'm playing more hardcore players, but this ideology about multi-player gaming is part of what's wrong with old school game designing. Why does it always have to be so damn serious? Do you think my non-gamer friends/family enjoy thoroughly getting the crap beaten out of them constantly? Hell, I don't enjoy it. It feels awkward and more than a little embarrassing.

        I'd rather have it be more like a party, where it's just about having fun. I know, you're not going to try to tell me you haven't noticed, when people play Wii games in a group they're more excited, then when playing regular games. As added bonus, not only can I start up an off-line mp game easier, I also get to hang out with people that are actually fun to be around, instead of people that are completely anti-social.
       I guess we just have different taste. You completely miss the entertainment that the Wii brings. Your loss. I'm not sure how so many could be blind to how others could find the Wii to be an advancement to gaming in a lot of ways (not all, but a big brave leap by Ninty, none the less). It's not like I don't acknowledge the 360 & PS3 as fun. They are. It's just, for me they are secondary to PC+Wii+Handhelds. Which really is more than enough for most gamers.

Oh hell no

My issues with the Wii are these two:

  1. The controller really can fire the imagination of developers I give them that, but unfortunately it doesn't have the performance to let their games go where their mind takes them.
  2. The controller simply doesn't work properly for me. Given the fact that it should be easy to set up, my 53" LCD doesn't give me any kind of precision when playing. Its disapointing but I don't have a 2nd TV.

So im not a Wii hater, but I am disapointed with what potential and scope there was for all manner of games but it could not be realized due to the conservatism of Nintendo. They didn't realise what they had, and if they did they didn't believe in it enough to give it the "right" kind of backing to really make their concept flourish for everyone and every possibility the human imagination could germinate.

Btw, consider a game - Halo 3, its got an attach rate thats higher than Mario-Kart and its the same game which defined social in the last generation. So to label FPS gamers as anti-social is pretty stereotypical.

Btw - have you played SSBB AND Halo 3 at the same time on the same TV with 5 other people? Picture in Picture is FTW I tell you!



While I respect your opinion on the subject, I just don't agree. I assume you knew the the Wii Hate comment wasn't serious. I didn't think you'd believe I'd really consider you a Wii hater based on your 1st comment, but when you brought it up, the idea seemed too easy to poke fun at, that I couldn't pass it up. Even though I don't care, what games sales you keep track of, it seems what games you're interested in shouldn't matter. For instance to get a grasp on the worth of 1 game's sales, you'd compare it to all games in general. Anything less, sounds like a way to overrate 1 game and sell another game short, to me.

1. I don't think performance is really the issue you make it out to be. Great ideas have already been tapped into, but it hasn't been a standard to put the effort out there. I'm sure the controls are intimidating and it's much easier to fall back on grfx as a crutch.  It's really laziness and lack of creativity. I mean if you can get away with doing less, there's not much incentive to do more. I think when developers start coming out with games that are both large scale and creative, people will take notice. Just like anything new, I'm sure it take some practice working out the kinks. Besides grfx, most things can be done nearly or exactly the same, as they could with higher performance. It was never a big enough hindrance on the ps2, for companies to stop them from releasing creative titles.


2. Hmmm...I've never had this problem and I've played on a 60" and a projector that blew image up to the size of a wall.  A little bit of response time might be lost, but it's still much better than the alternative.

Halo- I didn't say Halo wasn't , but it's not really the same thing. If it was, the the   X-Box would have sold like crazy. Hard to think a game could redefine social gaming, when it was on a system that got completely overshadowed. Most causals I know complain about things like having to play some 12 yo that spends all day playing Halo, just to hear them talk trash and see their characters being danced on, or the game not holding their attention. You I didn't even say fps were anti-social. What I was getting at, was that a lot of the people speaking out about the Wii attracting a new audience are anti-social. People need to get over it. Maybe if they approached it with an open mind, they might actually enjoy it.

Lastly, I know both the PS3 and 360 have games that appeal to causal gamers to a degree, just as the Wii has some games that appeal to core gamers to a degree. I like both causual and core games. It sounded to me like you were saying the former didn't appeal to you. I don't see how any of this stops you from enjoying your 360 games or me from doing the same. I'd just like to be able to have fun playing Wii games, and be able to talk about it, too, without constantly hearing how the don't matter, because they don't appeal to some one else whose in the minority on the subject.


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tabsina said:
Squilliam said:

My issues with the Wii are these two:

  1. The controller really can fire the imagination of developers I give them that, but unfortunately it doesn't have the performance to let their games go where their mind takes them.
  2. The controller simply doesn't work properly for me. Given the fact that it should be easy to set up, my 53" LCD doesn't give me any kind of precision when playing. Its disapointing but I don't have a 2nd TV.

I'd just like to say that i'm not intending to attack your points, per se, i'm just curious about what exactly you mean

1.Are you of the opinion that games only became good this generation due to the 360 and PS3 library? I personally get the feeling that the hardware it is no less a burden on the control vs creativity than they were in previous gens.

2. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this.. if you are referring to a flickering cursor, it is because you need to set the sensitivity (in the settings) to a higher value. I don't know what else you could mean by that, as the sensor bar and the tv are mutually exclusive.

PS. Lots and lots of quote boxes


1. Its difficult for me to describe my feeling here but at the barest level you have a controller which can truely work in 3 dimensions of space mated to a console which has more the performance of a 2.5 D machine. Now the HD twins are moving into the realm of crafting true 3 dimensional worlds but unfortunately how a gamer moves within the space is limited. Its quite frustrating and disapointing when I think about it really. My first thought when I played Gears of War was, "Man I love the new feeling this gives me, im really enjoying the possibilities with this play style". My second thought was, "I think this game would have been great with the Wiimote."

All games consoles have limitations in terms of technology. But for a game developer to truely craft an engaging world in 3 dimensions, at this point you can always use more power.

2. I set the sensitivity to high, I set it to low, I changed where I put the sensor bar (top/bottom) but I can't get it to work properly. My seat is very close to the TV and the way I have it mounted means I can't get a good angle on the sensor bar and the size of the TV doesn't help much at all.

P.S. What quote boxes?



you want some reasoning?

you get some reasoning...

and even more reasoning....

wii will sell 150 mil.

imagin a price cut from ninty :D

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Khuutra said:
Galaki said:
Still disappointing, the Wii won't be reaching 60M by year end.

In fiscal terms, John Lucas wasn't that far off... though I know that isn't what he said.


I know. My prediction is supposed to be humourous since the expection for the Wii seems to be rather... ridiculous sometime.

NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
NintendoMonopoly said:

But why have any Wii hate at all? it's not like Nintendo killed your only son or left you marooned in a barren wasteland to die...


God Of War is going to have a verus mode?!?!? Hot damn!!! Oh wait! You mean Gears. Really? That was the best thing you could think of for multi-play? Not L4D, which btw pails in comparison to HL2. Well, you did say MP3 didn't interest you at all. That speaks volumes about your taste in fps gaming. The 1st Gears was fun, but it was more about the campaign for me. Even that seemed a little redundant. Gears2 is is living up to a lot of what was promised with the 1st, but the duck and cover system lends itself more to single/co-op, if you ask me. I expect part 3 to really impress.

"The joys of stomping your neighbor"... sure that's fun for awhile, when I'm playing more hardcore players, but this ideology about multi-player gaming is part of what's wrong with old school game designing. Why does it always have to be so damn serious? Do you think my non-gamer friends/family enjoy thoroughly getting the crap beaten out of them constantly? Hell, I don't enjoy it. It feels awkward and more than a little embarrassing.

I'd rather have it be more like a party, where it's just about having fun. I know, you're not going to try to tell me you haven't noticed, when people play Wii games in a group they're more excited, then when playing regular games. As added bonus, not only can I start up an off-line mp game easier, I also get to hang out with people that are actually fun to be around, instead of people that are completely anti-social.
I guess we just have different taste. You completely miss the entertainment that the Wii brings. Your loss. I'm not sure how so many could be blind to how others could find the Wii to be an advancement to gaming in a lot of ways (not all, but a big brave leap by Ninty, none the less). It's not like I don't acknowledge the 360 & PS3 as fun. They are. It's just, for me they are secondary to PC+Wii+Handhelds. Which really is more than enough for most gamers.

Oh hell no

My issues with the Wii are these two:

  1. The controller really can fire the imagination of developers I give them that, but unfortunately it doesn't have the performance to let their games go where their mind takes them.
  2. The controller simply doesn't work properly for me. Given the fact that it should be easy to set up, my 53" LCD doesn't give me any kind of precision when playing. Its disapointing but I don't have a 2nd TV.

So im not a Wii hater, but I am disapointed with what potential and scope there was for all manner of games but it could not be realized due to the conservatism of Nintendo. They didn't realise what they had, and if they did they didn't believe in it enough to give it the "right" kind of backing to really make their concept flourish for everyone and every possibility the human imagination could germinate.

Btw, consider a game - Halo 3, its got an attach rate thats higher than Mario-Kart and its the same game which defined social in the last generation. So to label FPS gamers as anti-social is pretty stereotypical.

Btw - have you played SSBB AND Halo 3 at the same time on the same TV with 5 other people? Picture in Picture is FTW I tell you!



While I respect your opinion on the subject, I just don't agree. I assume you knew the the Wii Hate comment wasn't serious. I didn't think you'd believe I'd really consider you a Wii hater based on your 1st comment, but when you brought it up, the idea seemed too easy to poke fun at, that I couldn't pass it up. Even though I don't care, what games sales you keep track of, it seems what games you're interested in shouldn't matter. For instance to get a grasp on the worth of 1 game's sales, you'd compare it to all games in general. Anything less, sounds like a way to overrate 1 game and sell another game short, to me.

Its not as clear cut as that. A Beatle fan may be interested in the sales of the new "Bug" but if its made by Toyota its something they're not interested in. However the MX-5/Miata may be something which tickles their fancy so they might take an interest in news that its the fastest selling sports car in the world. Btw, funny pic! Im personally interested in sports cars, I own an Mx5/miata but I obviously pay no attention to the latest Camry sales figures, whether or not I own one. My other car is a Fiat Punto and I've owned Supras, WRXes, EVOs etc in the past. Its the same with games, I may own Wii-Fit but it certainly doesn't fit into my passions like other games and therefore whilst I may use it I don't give it any special attention.

1. I don't think performance is really the issue you make it out to be. Great ideas have already been tapped into, but it hasn't been a standard to put the effort out there. I'm sure the controls are intimidating and it's much easier to fall back on grfx as a crutch. It's really laziness and lack of creativity. I mean if you can get away with doing less, there's not much incentive to do more. I think when developers start coming out with games that are both large scale and creative, people will take notice. Just like anything new, I'm sure it take some practice working out the kinks. Besides grfx, most things can be done nearly or exactly the same, as they could with higher performance. It was never a big enough hindrance on the ps2, for companies to stop them from releasing creative titles.

Developers are like people, they follow the path of least resistance when they are trying to bring their imagination to life. Sure you can make people work on the Wii, but in doing so you lose any potential life they may bring to their work. If people followed the road of least resistance to the Wii, developers followed that same path away from the Wii. Why work hard to force a round peg into a square hole when Microsoft makes it so easy? Easier development allows better games just as a better set of tools lets a sculpter create a finer statue.


2. Hmmm...I've never had this problem and I've played on a 60" and a projector that blew image up to the size of a wall. A little bit of response time might be lost, but it's still much better than the alternative.

My TV/seat situation means that im either pointing the Wiimote at a 45 degree angle or downwards by about 15 degrees, and neither of them work particularly well. I don't have a choice in where I sit so thats the best I can do.

Halo- I didn't say Halo wasn't , but it's not really the same thing. If it was, the the X-Box would have sold like crazy. Hard to think a game could redefine social gaming, when it was on a system that got completely overshadowed. Most causals I know complain about things like having to play some 12 yo that spends all day playing Halo, just to hear them talk trash and see their characters being danced on, or the game not holding their attention. You I didn't even say fps were anti-social. What I was getting at, was that a lot of the people speaking out about the Wii attracting a new audience are anti-social. People need to get over it. Maybe if they approached it with an open mind, they might actually enjoy it.

I hate online multiplayer too. I would rather take a beer and the ability to kick their ass in person over the convenience of never leaving the house personally. I've had the PS3 for over a year and I doubt i've played more than 10 hours online to be honest. I haven't even taken my 360 online. I don't even have an online profile for it. If the Wii was good for one thing only, it would be that I can hold a beer while kicking butt at Wii Tennis. Yes, FPS games can be anti-social and its disapointing that Halo 3 and COD IV are about the only games which allow for 4 player local multiplayer. In that respect we've gone backwards I think. I would describe Halo as one of the most accessible shooters I know of which uses two analogue sticks (Hence a very good reason why its so popular)

Lastly, I know both the PS3 and 360 have games that appeal to causal gamers to a degree, just as the Wii has some games that appeal to core gamers to a degree. I like both causual and core games. It sounded to me like you were saying the former didn't appeal to you. I don't see how any of this stops you from enjoying your 360 games or me from doing the same. I'd just like to be able to have fun playing Wii games, and be able to talk about it, too, without constantly hearing how the don't matter, because they don't appeal to some one else whose in the minority on the subject.

I still enjoy playing some of those games, but my real passion is actually for space sims and strategy games. Its disapointing that the space sims have gone wayyy overboard with catering to the loud audience who want to make it hard/complicated. Ditto with strategy games. I long for a strategy game with the abject simplicity of Age of Empires 2 or a space sim where I can actually see my target instead of trying to point my fire into a box so the shots lead onto an enemy ship the size of a flea. So yes the loud people are probably the worst ones for developers to pay attention to, throughout history its the loud ones which tend to fuck things up for the rest of us. You do have a point I give you that.





Squilliam said:

1. Its difficult for me to describe my feeling here but at the barest level you have a controller which can truely work in 3 dimensions of space mated to a console which has more the performance of a 2.5 D machine. Now the HD twins are moving into the realm of crafting true 3 dimensional worlds but unfortunately how a gamer moves within the space is limited. Its quite frustrating and disapointing when I think about it really. My first thought when I played Gears of War was, "Man I love the new feeling this gives me, im really enjoying the possibilities with this play style". My second thought was, "I think this game would have been great with the Wiimote."

All games consoles have limitations in terms of technology. But for a game developer to truely craft an engaging world in 3 dimensions, at this point you can always use more power.

2. I set the sensitivity to high, I set it to low, I changed where I put the sensor bar (top/bottom) but I can't get it to work properly. My seat is very close to the TV and the way I have it mounted means I can't get a good angle on the sensor bar and the size of the TV doesn't help much at all.

P.S. What quote boxes?


1.         I think we're going to have to wait to next gen for that. Right now people will just have to be happy with the revolution that's already here. At least you see the potential. It is hard to get over for some. Similar to how I see the CGI artwork that's in movies and know that 1 day games will be able to do that and more. Just not now. I'm not going to hate on any of the systems for that, though. It seems kind of lop sided when HD only owners talk about it. They often fail to realize how big of a difference it can make.

2. Ahhh Now I see what you mean. From a normal distance it works great. If it were me, I'd want my TV to be setup where I get a clear scope of the whole tv and can enjoy it with company, anyways (serious bragging rights j/k). Not to mention I don't want to have to burn my eyes out looking at it. I'm not sure where your seats at, but it sounds like you're not viewing from directly infront, unless this is a really small room. I can usually get it to work fine from the side, if I set it up right, just as long as there's enough room and I still have a clear view of the tv. That's not really the ideal situation for any gaming, though.

 Way to kill those quotes. It was really starting to get out of hand. I didn't expect this to turn into a big discussion. I didn't think you needed Kulle to speak on your behalf, either. I'd much rather talk to someone directly, instead of having someone else vicariously answer for them. I can appreciate the other side if a person is reasonable.


Good PS3 sales.
Great 360 sales.

Wii is HUGE!!

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

illuminatus said:
and even more reasoning....

See that's what I'm talking about, reasoning. If you go on about something and don't say why, no one is going to give you much credit. While I think it will have some effect on sales, it won't be enough to prevent an increase in hw moved. The economy has been hurting for awhile and still console have been moving at a record pace. If you look at year over year there's around a 50% increase (just a rough estimate from memory) in overall console sales. Do you think it's that bad that, it will suddenly cancel that out. Ninty, MS, and Sony don't seem to think so. Right now it's evened out a little bit and gas and food prices have dropped dramatically. I  imagine that if the economy does take a major toll on gaming, all consoles will be effected, especially the more expensive ones.