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Forums - Gaming Discussion - First AAA JRPG of this generation?

invetedlotus123 said:
I think the Last Remnant can take a AAA, this has been very hyped on its concept of pleasing West and East. It's at least a million seller for sure.

I doubt it with OXM giving the game a 7/10


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Does the DS count? It was released in 2004...TWEWY is the closest I believe like people have said.

Star Ocean:TLH has a chance in February, SO:TtEoT got an 81.

WKC has a better chance, but that won't get a Western release before SO:TLH.

I agree about the 85 comment for JRPG's. Valkyria Chronicles has an 87 from Metacritic and Gamerankings which to me is much more impressive then a Shooter with 90.

kingofwale said:
is DS even considered 'this gen"? since it came out a lot time ago. With the slight change from it's original DSLite.

I mean if it came out in 04. that's 4 years ago.


 DS was released same time as PSP. Obviously DS belongs to this gen so the first AAA JRPG will be DQ9 for sure.

Persona 4! Anyway if you mean the new consoles I guess WKC. I don't know if SOIV will be reviewed that well (the last one didn't).

konnichiwa said:
Persona 4! Anyway if you mean the new consoles I guess WKC. I don't know if SOIV will be reviewed that well (the last one didn't).

81 on Metacritic is actually pretty good, not amazing, but pretty good.  SO3(and other previous Tri-Ace games) suffered from some "odd" design choices that SOTLH, as far I can tell, don't suffer from.


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Stats87 said:

Does the DS count? It was released in 2004...TWEWY is the closest I believe like people have said.

Star Ocean:TLH has a chance in February, SO:TtEoT got an 81.

WKC has a better chance, but that won't get a Western release before SO:TLH.

I agree about the 85 comment for JRPG's. Valkyria Chronicles has an 87 from Metacritic and Gamerankings which to me is much more impressive then a Shooter with 90.

WKC should be released not long after SO4. Maybe 1 month or 2.

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White Knight Chronicles.

4 ≈ One

I still dont understand some low reviews for JRGP's , Lost Odyssey and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn are only on 78 in metacritic (with some ridicilous complaints about FE, like being too hard or too hardcore lol). And with low review for Tales of Symphonia.

FF is not even that good anymore and reviewers still go mental about it

God I hate the term AAA.

For the record I'm really having a blast with Valkyria Chronicles.  It and The World Ends With You are the only JRPGs I've played this gen that felt like they were up there with the best of the gens before this.

I think only Final Fantasy can get to AAA, sadly enough.

And this is why I don't follow reviews, it's quite obvious hype is a huge part of the score.

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million