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Forums - Sony Discussion - Go buy Valkyria Chronicles NOW

The_vagabond7 said:

I love folklore, great game, very overlooked. But this spits in folklore's mouth, and gives it hepatitis.

Just beat chapter 10, very emotional end.

One minor complaint I had has been addressed in spades. Initially I had waaay too much money, and nothing to do with it. Upgrading all my weapons and armor and tank didn't use up much cash. Furthermore the weapon selection and character customization was very limited. Now that I'm in Chapter 11, that's not a problem. Especially with the addition of elite units (got the elite shocktrooper, they turn into elite at level 11). Once the weapon upgrade paths branch, and your characters and tanks (plural since you start getting more tanks) can start using primary and secondary weapons, and you start unlocking new weapon types (such as the flamethrower), and get new unique weapons as awards from the Princess for earning medals, you can really change up your characters and without doing a bunch of skirmishes you won't have enough money to keep everything upgraded to the max, and there is an abundance of minor changes you can make to the individual characters to make them differ from one another.

I'm going to have to take some time now to do a skirmish or two, and then really examine my characters and what I want to use them for. The game just gets deeper and deeper and better and better. Purchase it.

I will buy this game when i get the cash for it, but Question: Does it have online?

I know its a sJRPG and doesnt need it but just wonder'n Online is a major for me now an days.


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It has online so advanced that all enemy characters are actually being played by videogame playing robots in another dimension. You can even see their names when you select the enemy units. In light of how advanced it's online system is, sega didn't see any need to let you connect to puny humans in our dimension, and frankly I don't blame them. The robots don't insult your mother with verbal racial slurs, they do it by sniping your F'ing engineer while your Eidelweiss is being attacked by 2 lancers and a Med Tank.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

To help translate Vagabond's the game does not have online. I'll be curious to see if they patch something along those lines in like Disgaea 3 did, perhaps just a ranking system for how well you do a certain stage.


as soon as it gets trophies I will buy it. I'm like addicted to trophies now..... sigh...

theprof00 said:
as soon as it gets trophies I will buy it. I'm like addicted to trophies now..... sigh...


same here....


I ll buy some games just for it

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i know its ridiculous. I guess MS really did know what they were doing, that shit is addictive.

Well, in the long run trophies dont make or break a game, its just a bonus if that.

If your purchase depends if a game has trophies or not, well i'll say it the nice way... "Its your Opinion" ... that is all ...

the thing is seraphic, that there are many quality games on ps3 now. A list of which makes me uneasy when I think about college homework and working fulltime and also having an empty wallet.

Unfortunately I've been tending to buy the great games that have trophies of which there are some greats.
dead space
penny arcade adventures (you don't have to believe me, I loved it)

theprof00 said:
the thing is seraphic, that there are many quality games on ps3 now. A list of which makes me uneasy when I think about college homework and working fulltime and also having an empty wallet.

Unfortunately I've been tending to buy the great games that have trophies of which there are some greats.
dead space
penny arcade adventures (you don't have to believe me, I loved it)

Fer-Sure all those games you listed are great some even i'd dare to say downright Epic, but im just saying a game doesnt NEED to have trophies to be great. for great example...



god... trophies system is worst thing ever invented in the last 100 years I swear... it makes your ego bigger or something? I don't understand what is so addictive about it... i haven't played many trophies game, but the ones I've played like Rock Band 2 doesn't add ANY more fun with trophies than without trophies... -_-'