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Forums - PC Discussion - What was your first programming language?

hmm VB6--> Java --> .Net (learn how to connect with database in SQL and access) --> C ---> C++ (right now learning low level programming)

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Logo on an Apple II. (Gotta love the turtle)

BASIC on a Tandy TRS-80.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Man, thinking back to Basic and QBasic I remember thinking those were the most awesomenest things *ever*.

I still remember for our final project in middle school we had to make something in QBasic with basic graphics (basic lines) and I made a Final Fantasy clone. It was of course very basic and was only the battle screen with text prompts and the enemy, it didn't show your actual characters, but it was still cool.

Well, it was cool until the teacher accused me of copying the code from a book or having someone else do it for me. ;_;


And thinking a little more I also remember being a terrible programmer and thinking readability was a bad thing (I didn't want people to look at my games code and cheat!). 

I would name all my subs and some important variables just written out numbers and then have a sheet of paper with what those numbers really were supposed to say.

-edit #2-

heh, and thinking of that makes me remember when I was a terrible level designer and thought frustrating confusing levels was fun.  I use to make levels in Load Runner that would make you cry.  :-p



BASIC followed closely by HTML.

PC Gamer
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GML then HTML.

GML is still considered a programming language.

Basic followed by VBasic followed by C++(at which i sucked ass)
I remember making passing grades solely on my great understanding of the Boolean concept

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

HTML is markup language not programming ...

Play my LittleBigLove level: search keywords "LittleBigLove realil"

LJ (Russian):

vlad321 said:
Deneidez said:
Cypher1980 said:
One word of warning about C and C++

There tends to be a snobby attitiude about using C++ as a superior coding platform but nine times out of ten C will get the job done and will be quicker to code.

I would say that in any case C is much more effective and well mostly it is also quicker to code. However OO is there because of size of projects and need for some sort of capsulation. Keeping millions of lines together in procedural world is just too hard. OO does it nearly automatically for you. Also I wouldn't use C or C++ if I would have to code simple egg clock for example. Java or python would be much better suited for that job. They are much easier and quicker to use and it doesn't matter even if the program takes more cycles than c++ version of it. Just like it would be overkill to use asm for everything to get as fast program as there is. Usually theres no need to make fast program, but working program.

A programmer is like a plumber. By himself he can't do anything. He also can't just walk around with a monkey wrench and do everythign with it, hammer, screw in, tighten, etc. Languages are the tols so everything has a nice language which would be done on the easiest for the best performance. That said, I love C because it lets you run with scissors in one hand and a loaded gun to your head in the other when it comes to manipulating the hardware. It's perfect for drivers and other such stuff.

Thank you. I'm glad this has said it. Whenever people go language X is better than language Y, they never put it in context. Simply, there is no one 'right' programming language for every job. The project I make a living on uses 8 or so different 'languages' (from genuine programming languages to some pretty simple scripting) for various parts because no one language was suitable.

I'd also like to expand on it to say it also depends on factors outside of the program itself as to what language is chosen. For example, if the program is a once off thing, it might not matter that it needs to run overnight to do the job if it only takes 5 mins to program rather than the program that finishs in an hour but takes 5 days to make.


twesterm said:
vlad321 said:
twesterm said:
theprof00 said:

HTML so far. lol, LBP soon.
I hope to take something else in the future, something monetarily valued. But, I take both Japanese and French right now so its a little difficult to get free time.


LBP isn't a programming language, it's an editor (and before you say it, an editor is absolutely not a programming language).



I don't see why or how HTML counts as a programming language as well

I barely count HTML as a programming language.  It's super simple and limited, but it's still a programming language, just not one I would brag about knowing.

It's like saying you're awesome in VB.Net: of course you're awesome at VB.Net, it does everything for you.



Wait, have you ever done something complicated in .NET??? like an online transaction system made entirely in ASP.NET??? or a Solar System simulator with VB.NET and Directx 9.0? or access a TMU-950 without the driver?

VB.NET is friendly, it's true (it has to be, Microsoft relies on that), but it doesn't do everything for you, especially if you don't use the VB6 methods and go with the .NET ones (that should be the ones to use)... And comparing it to HTML??? i'm not even discussing that one...