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Man, thinking back to Basic and QBasic I remember thinking those were the most awesomenest things *ever*.

I still remember for our final project in middle school we had to make something in QBasic with basic graphics (basic lines) and I made a Final Fantasy clone. It was of course very basic and was only the battle screen with text prompts and the enemy, it didn't show your actual characters, but it was still cool.

Well, it was cool until the teacher accused me of copying the code from a book or having someone else do it for me. ;_;


And thinking a little more I also remember being a terrible programmer and thinking readability was a bad thing (I didn't want people to look at my games code and cheat!). 

I would name all my subs and some important variables just written out numbers and then have a sheet of paper with what those numbers really were supposed to say.

-edit #2-

heh, and thinking of that makes me remember when I was a terrible level designer and thought frustrating confusing levels was fun.  I use to make levels in Load Runner that would make you cry.  :-p