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Forums - PC Discussion - What was your first programming language?

Man, you consider HTML a programming language? I guess...

Anyways, I started with Basic way back in middle school.

I remember QBasic being the most awesome thing ever because I didn't have to worry about line numbers and I had Subs.

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My first language was Atari Basic on the 800XL.

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Formerly unknown as Vengi

Let's see, QBasic for two years, followed by a year of the heaven that was VisualBasic. And now I put exactly none of that into practical use. Yay wasted youth lol

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement

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i only ever used turbo pascal, i am more of a networking guy so i don't do much programing.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
scottie said:
Visual Basic back when I was in primary school - those were the days

Haskell was next, then Java

I can recommend Haskel if you are decent at maths

For me, the first 3 months of java was like headbutting hot coals, that then kicked me in the acorns. However, it very much teaches you good programming technique, and I've grown to like it now.



I learned VB in grade 10 in high school?

I agree, those were the days, ahahaha.

I later learned a little intro to Java and just scratched the surface in grade 11.

Got a little more complex in grade 12, and I never went back to it after I graduated.

I'm not sure if I want to go back to it... it makes me miss my classes.


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TI BASIC on my 99-4/A and C64 Basic.
I know a spattering of HTML and a proprietary basic used in programing microcontrollers, I should try to teach myself C out of a book now that i can use CSH in Linux.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

*goes back in time machine* Turbo Pascal and QuickBasic was my first languages (learnt them both at the same time), within 6 months I picked up C (using djgpp 2.01 as my main compiler back in the days).

These days I use at work/home C#, C++, Delphi (for some old legecy stuff I have todo), php and a tiny bit of javascript so long as I get to use jquery else I'll tear my eyes out.


I'm learning C++ (this is my first language) and Im in college. Is that kinda late to start learning how to program?

6502 assembly on the commodore 64. I made a hardwire connection directly from the slow as a slug 1541 drive processing chip to the parallel port, and developed an assembly routine to read the data and "backup" any game I felt like "backing" up...

SnakeEyez said:
I'm learning C++ (this is my first language) and Im in college. Is that kinda late to start learning how to program?


Better late then never.