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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the greatest video game of all time?

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For me it would be Galaga.


Snake612 said:
@wfz, I never played Majora's mask, was it good?


 No, Majora's Mask is horrible, that's why it's one of my favorite games of all time, if not #1. :P

It is such an emotional, deep game. If you play it though, you really have to take the time to immerse yourself in it, and really understand and think about what's going on. The greatest things about the game can be easily missed by those who don't pay attention enough.

Euphoria14 said:

Superman 64


I second that, and I'm not kidding.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Torillian said:
Hard to just pick one, but based on the number of times I've played it I would have to say Earthbound.

I agree.