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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New RE5 extended trailer (shows actual gameplay)

BenKenobi88 said:
I dunno...but they get to do it again with this game! Analog sticks work...and in fact the Wiimote made it too easy I'd say...but whatever...I'm not gonna whine about a Wii version...though it certainly would be sweet.

  I probably would've ripped my hair out halfway through the second El Gigante fight with a normal controller. 

Current systems owned: Wii, 360. I'll get a PS3 when hell freezes over!... or when the price drops to a reasonable level. Whichever comes first.

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naznatips said:
PS3owner said:
The games might look pretty much the same, but if you look at every 360 game you will see they have more shadows and are darker overall then the PS3 games, i have no idea why this would be unless the 360 version is trying to lower the amount of stuff on the screen at once to raise framrate or something.

The console which has framerate issues is the PS3, not the 360.  The dark shadows are an artistic choice by the developer.

There are no framrates issues on the PS3, it has games at 1080P at 60 FPS, something the 360 can't do.  Having everything pitchblack is nothing to do with an artistic choice when it is in every game for the system, the 360 can't handle the textures so they make the shadows stand out more, they used this in other games for the PS1 and PS2, its the same thing with draw distances only now they put shadows in.

PS3owner said:
naznatips said:
PS3owner said:
The games might look pretty much the same, but if you look at every 360 game you will see they have more shadows and are darker overall then the PS3 games, i have no idea why this would be unless the 360 version is trying to lower the amount of stuff on the screen at once to raise framrate or something.

The console which has framerate issues is the PS3, not the 360. The dark shadows are an artistic choice by the developer.

There are no framrates issues on the PS3, it has games at 1080P at 60 FPS, something the 360 can't do. Having everything pitchblack is nothing to do with an artistic choice when it is in every game for the system, the 360 can't handle the textures so they make the shadows stand out more, they used this in other games for the PS1 and PS2, its the same thing with draw distances only now they put shadows in.

Oh, so that's why Madden can run at 60 FPS on the 360 but only 30 FPS on the PS3. As far as all 360 games being like that, that's not true at all. Viva Pinata and Halo 3 are both very bright and vibrant with gorgeous graphics. Meanwhile, Uncharted experiences massive framerate drops on the PS3, and Heavenly Sword runs at 30FPS.  So far, from what I can see, all evidence points towards this being an artistic choice, and if any system has framerate issues it's the PS3.

shams said:

I so hope we get a Wii spin-off...


It doesn't look like much more than RE4 with HD set in Africa, so who knows if they'll release it on the Wii as well. This is the "RE4 is a Gamecube exclusive!!!1" company after all. The gulf between the Wii and the other consoles looks like it could get as steep as that between the PS2 and the GC/Xbox, and the difference in production costs is even greter this time around.

Wonder if it'll be as good as the previous part, since IIRC a lot of big names left Capcom it's release. 

naznatips said:
Looks cool, but I'm slightly disappointed that the gameplay looks identical to the gameplay of RE4. I mean it worked well but I kinda expected a change.

Anyone comparing Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code Veronica would probably say the same thing about those games.

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Parokki said:
shams said:

I so hope we get a Wii spin-off...


It doesn't look like much more than RE4 with HD set in Africa, so who knows if they'll release it on the Wii as well. This is the "RE4 is a Gamecube exclusive!!!1" company after all. The gulf between the Wii and the other consoles looks like it could get as steep as that between the PS2 and the GC/Xbox, and the difference in production costs is even greter this time around.

Wonder if it'll be as good as the previous part, since IIRC a lot of big names left Capcom it's release.

In fact, all of it's primary developers left including it's lead developer and director of the project Shinji Mikami.  Shinji and the others quit the Capcom 5 (the people who made RE4) and joined Clover, staying within the Capcom company.  Unfortuantely, shortly after Okami, clover was completley dissolved and the great men responsible for Resident Evil 4 were cut loose.  They recently formed the independant studio Seeds, but have no rights to any of the former Clover or Capcom games, and will not be assisting in the development of Resident Evil 5.

With this in mind, it's not the least bit shocking to see that the gameplay from Resident Evil 4 is completely duplicated and unchanged.  Capcom lost the developers that made RE4 a success, so rather than take any risks they will do their best to retain the exact same experience that made RE4 successful.  They are basically playing it as safe as possible due to the loss of these developers.  It could be a good thing really, but personally I would have liked to see some change.

Keep in mind not only did Shinji Mikami direct RE4, but he has also written the plot for the entire Resident Evil series.

Legend11 said:
I'm pretty sure it's not the same trailer that's on PSN or at least this is an extended version of it because Capcom mentioned about 2 weeks ago that they were releasing the extended version of the trailer today.

No, I'm pretty sure it is, the trailer was just added today. Did you get it on XBL?

@naz, wow i didn't realize that much of the RE4 team was lost, that sucks. i am VERY glad that they are keeping the same gameplay, i'm sure they'll add some new stuff too, but RE4 was definitely my fav ever. oh, and wow, you already got to play Uncharted, tell me, what was it like? =p

@shams, your getting RE: Umbrella, is it not good enough or what?

@ps3owner, your not helping, what games have had framerate issues on the 360? Maybe a few, but i don't care enough to look. as for framerate issues on the PS3, i am CONFIDENT this issue will be resolved as they learn the cell architecture better. just compare crap like FEAR to RSV or Oblivion, where obvious effort was put in.

vizunary said:
Legend11 said:
I'm pretty sure it's not the same trailer that's on PSN or at least this is an extended version of it because Capcom mentioned about 2 weeks ago that they were releasing the extended version of the trailer today.

No, I'm pretty sure it is, the trailer was just added today. Did you get it on XBL?

@naz, wow i didn't realize that much of the RE4 team was lost, that sucks. i am VERY glad that they are keeping the same gameplay, i'm sure they'll add some new stuff too, but RE4 was definitely my fav ever. oh, and wow, you already got to play Uncharted, tell me, what was it like? =p

Yeah, with the people who made the game what it was gone, it's probably good to not mess with the formula much, for fear of screwing it up. As for Uncharted, just going by the gameplay videos I have seen so far vizunary. Obviously this could be fixed before it's release, so truly it's not fair of me to judge it yet.

An interesting off-topic: Currently Shinji Mikami (along with Seed's own projects) is working on a Wii game with Suda 51, creator of Killer 7 and No More Heroes. I don't think you have to worry about Mikami and Suda making a minigame either. I see a great future for Seeds and Mikami, as they are the people who brought us some of the most amazing games of last generation: Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry, etc.

Jack Thompson is gonna love this game... but Jesse Jackson won't :S


EDIT: Haha sorry about that  About the supposed 'overshadowing'  The PS3 Owner mentions... I think is something called "High Dynamic Range"



I don't care what its called it looks like crap. And oblivion had framrate drops on the 360, along with insane loading times. The reason Madden runs at 60FPS on the 360 and only 30FPS on PS3 is because they spent more time on the 360 version, they even said this in an interview. And last years version of madden ran at 30FPS on the 360.